-trash- zenin nahoya

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Trigger warning: Harsh language and almost forced sex⚠

You were walking to the room where Zenin Naoya; the soon to be head of Zenin class as well as your soon to be husband was waiting. You belonged from Uzumaki clan (cuz why not?😛) which was one of the most prestigious clan in the field of jujutsu.

In order to strengthen the relation between your clan and the Zenin clan, the two clans decided to marry you, the daughter of Uzumaki clan's head who inherited the family's technique with Zenin Naoya, the soon to be clan leader of Zenin clan.

You weren't ready for this. You never agreed to this; but your parents forced you, both emotionally and verbally. All they can think about is the clan and it's position. Not even their own child mattered to them anymore; as long as they had power in their hands.

On the other hand, Naoya wasn't even bothered by the idea. He would be the head of his clan and in addition, if he would get married to you, he would have his hands on your clan's property that were in your name. That was all he ever needed. And if you didn't follow or obey him, he could just get rid of you after getting his hands on the property.

On reaching the room, the maids on the either sides of the door slide the door open for you to enter. Once you entered inside, they closed the door behind you. The room was simple but still well decorated. And in middle was a table, Naoya already present there on one side of the table.

"I don't like people making me wait ya know." He took a sip from his glass of sake.

Without saying anything, you walked and took a seat in front of him and let out a breath.

"I'm not interested in this marriage so I want you to call it off." You got straight to the point, that was the only reason you wanted to meet with him, alone after all.

"Oh? Straightforward are we?" He deeply chuckled, "but what makes you think I'll do that?" His voice was stern and serious.

You just rolled your eyes and let out another sigh, "Because I thought you wouldn't be so simple minded and dumb to accept a marriage with someone whom you barely know just for power and property." You angrily let your thoughts out.

He stared at you for minute before he spoke, "You have a pretty face and a nice body" His one hand rested on his chin, "but you behave like a trash. I don't fucking accept that." He was angry, you could clearly see anger in his face and hear his tone getting harsh with every word.

"Then call off this marriage, will ya? You don't have to hear from me ever again then." You crossed your arms and getting angry with the passing of each second yourself.

"Shut your nonsense. I don't follow what other people say. Hope you'll keep that in your fucking mind while I'm still tolerating your shit." He got up and walked toward the door and harshly slide it open, startling the two maids on their knees on either sides of the door.

On seeing him, they kept their heads down, almost touching the floor. "See? This is how you should be behaving!" He pointed to the maids, "Learn a thing or two before you came to show me your face again." With those words leaving his mouth, he stormed away.

Slamming your hands on the table, you got up and followed him to wherever the hell he was going.

Once you finally caught up with him, you grabbed him by his arms and made him face you. "I'm saying this again, call off this marriage." You knew you were strong enough to fight him if needed and what you did right now would make you a god in the eyes of other women in the clan. You also knew you could get punished for your behaviour but you did not care a bit about that. In fact you were hoping your behavior would piss him more and he would finally call off this marriage.

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