-twilight- geto suguru

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you are in the kitchen putting the groceries away when you hear the doorbell ring. "i'll get it." your boyfriend says and leaves the kitchen. a few seconds later you can hear the voices of your friends who very soon join you in the kitchen.

"hi y/n! finally moved in together huh!" gojo says and places the bottle of wine he brought on the counter and comes to hugs you. you chuckle and wrap your arms around his, "thanks satoru." he pats you back like he's so proud of you, which he is. you finally push him away when he doesn't let you go.

"i can't believe you two are actually moving in together." says shoko whom you hug next. "i know but everything is feeling.. right, you get it?"

"i don't know if i do but good for you." she shrugs but smile at you and puts the case of beer she brought inside the fridge.

you along with all your friends enter the living room with bunch of take outs that you ordered and drinks to spend the time. you have just bought a place together with geto, your boyfriend and tonight you planned to hook up with your friends as kind of a house welcome party.

you spend the next few hours watching a couple of movies before everyone starts getting drunk so you blast music, the place is soundproof so no need to worry about the complaints from neighbors.

you all sing and dance, some even playing some board games and all. you feel your throat beginning to get dry from all the sing off you're having with gojo's competitive ass so you excuse yourself to take a break.

you grab yourself a non alcoholic drink and get out on the balcony to get some fresh air. you think you'd be alone but your boyfriend notices you getting out so he accompanies you.

"hi." you smile at him and sit on the small small couch you placed on the balcony. you pat next to you for him to join you, which he gladly does.

"are you okay? did you drink too much?" he puts an arm around you to pull you to him and you rest your head on his chest.

"nah, it's difficult keeping up with satoru. i don't know where he gets all that energy from." he laughs at that and takes the drink from your hand and opens the can with one hand.

maybe it was the alcohol you had or you feeling tired and sleepy but seeing him do such a simple task seemed so hot at the moment.

"stop looking at me like that darling." he hands you your drink with a smirk on his face, knowing the effect he has on you.

"i wasn't. i was just thinking." you take a sip of your drink and look into the night sky. almost midnight, most people in their sleep and here you are in your lover's arms in your newly bought apartment while your friends, and yourself, too drunk to think about what is happening.

so peaceful yet so chaotic.

"yeah? what are you thinking about?" you pull away and turn your body to him, "we are moving in together suguru." it is like that is when it hits you and you clasp your hands together, "we are moving in together!"

he smiles looking at your reaction, "i know right. from now, i'm gonna be the first thing you see when you wake and the last thing you see before you sleep. you might get tired of me baby."

you chuckle and move closer to him, "like i could ever get tired of you." you kiss him and feel his smile against your lips. you pull back and look into his eyes, looking bright even in the middle of the night. you might even see stars in his sky if you are sober enough to focus.

"okay missy, you're starring again. let's get you to bed hmm?" he takes the drink from your hand and puts it aside. taking your hand in his, he leads you back into the living room to find both shoko and gojo passed out with the extra ass disco light and the television on with loud music playing and all. i think it's clear already but it was gojo's plan.

"wow look at them hiking our bills just like that." you shake your head and you both spend next couple of minute turning the lights off and covering them both with blankets and putting pillows and cushions to make them a little more comfortable in the weird positions they are lying on.

"ugh i'm tired." geto exhales and plops himself on the floor. "come on baby, let's go to our bedroom." he laughs out of nowhere, "it feels so weird to hear you say our bedroom." he extends his arms up for you to pull him off of his butt.

you pull him up and he wraps his arms around you as you walk to your shared bedroom. he crashes down on the soft mattress of the bed, pulling you with him, "i'm so tired."

you turn to him and push his hair away from his face, "i know, let's sleep. we'll do the cleaning tomorrow." you kiss him one last time for the night before you fall asleep.

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