-santa's gift- geto suguru

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"that's the ugliest mug i've seen in my life." you frown at your boyfriend. he looks at the cup, then at you, "what are you saying? it'll be perfect for shoko." he brings the mug near your face, showing you the weird cup he chose for some reason.

you slowly shove his hand away, being careful so the mug doesn't fall out of his hand, "why do you think she'll want this?" you turn away from him, walking away while scanning the shelf for some cute mugs for your little collection.

"she can have her morning coffee in this.. or her morning beer." he sighs, holding your arms to make you turn back to him, "come on, don't you think it's cute?" you scrunch your face in disbelief, "baby.. look at it. why would i find a weird mouse with glasses on it cute?" 

he looks at you, rolling his eyes before putting the mug in your cart, "whatever i'm getting it. if shoko doesn't like it, i'll take it for myself." you chuckle, shaking your head, "i don't even wanna debate with you on this any more."

he winks at you, putting the mug in the cart before pushing it and walking ahead of you, "i'll also get her a bottle of her favorite wine. i'm not a bad friend." you both walk along the shelves, looking through the decors and the things they have on sale, mainly looking for some items you could gift your friends. 

"shopping for gifts is so damn hard." you groan, pushing your hair away from your face. you grab the candle from shelf to smell it, "do you like it?" you move it to geto, for him to smell. "not bad, but not something i wanna smell."

you slap his arm as you laugh, putting it back and grabbing two of your usual ones, "you are so weird." you put the candles on the cart and walk ahead, geto following you behind, "what would little girls wanna get as a gift?"

you hmm, thinking about what would be good for nanako and mimiko, "i don't really know.." your boyfriend scoffs, "come on, weren't you a little girl once?" 

you scoff, continuing your walk and ignoring his comment, "i'm their favorite anyways." you mumble, but loud enough for him to hear. "keep telling yourself that, pretty."

you stop, turning around to face him with a groan, "why are you getting on my nerves today?" he chuckles, coming close to you to cup your face between his palms, "don't be so angry. i'll give you the mouse cup if shoko doesn't like it."

you snicker, pushing his hands away from your face, "i'm telling you she won't like it. and i don't need that thing either." you see a little pout on his lips before it's replaced with a smug smile, "if it was satoru, he'd love it so much."

you hang your mouth open, shaking your head before turning back to walk ahead, "should've came with him instead of me then." you hear him laugh behind you, quickly catching up to you so he could walk besides you, "kidding baby."

"speaking of him, what should i get him?" you look at him, "what are you getting him?" 

"legos." he turns to look at you, "will keep him from bugging us." you let out an amused chuckle, "just for a while though." he shrugs, "a moment of peace for us. what are you thinking of getting him?"

"ugh i don't know. he'd be happy with just some chocolates. but i'm thinking of waffle maker... with some recipe book?" you let out a breath, flipping your hair, feeling proud, "look at me i'm so thoughtful."

"oh yes, you are so thoughtful." you roll your eyes at his sarcastic tone, "at least i don't just get  a weird mug as a gift." 

"oh my god, will you stop attacking the poor mug already?"

bunch of christmas related posts coming up!! :P

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