-elysian- zen'in maki

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"girl there's nothing in this fridge. i don't know what you want me to eat." you say as you scan through maki's almost empty fridge. "check the shelves, there should be something." you shake your head at her response, moving to check the shelve where she has snacks most of the time.

but not today. "it's empty. what have you been eating these days?" you walk back to the living room, joining maki who's watching a series. "i just ran out of everything. i have to go grocery shopping, just feeling lazy to actually go. that's all."

"so you've been feeding yourself well?" she chuckles seeing you worried about her. she finds it cute. "yeah i promise i've been eating properly." she puts an arm around your shoulder, pulling herself closer to you, "wanna go grocery shopping with me?"

you turn to the side to look at her with a grin on your face, "hell yeah. let's go." you stand up, grabbing maki's hand to pull her out of her couch and drag her to her room, "you wanna go right now?"

"yeah why not? we've been staying inside your place for a little too long." you walk in her bathroom to wash your face and fix your hair to look presentable enough while maki follows you, doing the same, "why? you don't like it here?" 

"i am ignoring you." you chuckle hearing maki chuckle and quickly get ready. "come on baby grab a jacket." you walk to her closet to get a jacket for yourself, making way so maki could get one for herself as well.

you get yourself one of your favorite jackets from her and put it on, turning around to see her doing the same, "don't forget your wallet baby." you put your arms around her and exit the room, "should we make a list?" 

she looks at you then around the room, looking for her wallet, "nah we'll be fine." you chuckle and grab your phone and maki's house keys while she gets her own phone and wallet. "for some reason hearing you say that makes me think we'll not be fine."

she shrugs, "eh? so what, the store is less than five minutes away. we can go whenever we want." you just shake your head and lock the front door before she links her arm with yours, walking out the building and to the department store nearby.

maki gets a cart while you walk ahead of her, looking through the aisle and putting necessary, and a few unnecessary, items in the cart.

"hey i wanna have pasta tonight, the way you make it. could you make it?" maki speaks when she sees different bunch of macaroni and spaghetti noodles in the shelves. you dramatically gasp and turn around, "aw baby of course. i know how much you love it."

she chuckles, playfully rolling her eyes, "gosh you're so dramatic." she puts the two packets of pasta that you usually buy. you wink at her before turning in front to continue walking, "you love me though."

"that i do." she puts a few bags of your favorite chips in the cart. "we need to get some cleaning supplies as well." you say as you think about what else is running out in your girl's place, "that's why we should be making list. see now we're stuck whacking our brains."

she puts her arms up, "don't blame me. you're the one who had to come shopping right now." you ignore her response, "you're lucky you've got me babe. what would you do without me?"

"oh yes i know. i'm so lucky that i have you." she says with a smile on her lips. now, others might take it as a sarcastic reply, which it is, but only the two of you know that the words carry a serious meaning as well.

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