-thunder- nanami kento

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You were roommates with Nanami for more than a year already (not exactly roommates but you both lived in the same apartment). Living with him was, well... a lot better than you thought it'd be. At first, you weren't so sure about having him as your roommate since he had this serious aura around him. You thought it'd be hard for you to approach him. But you were so wrong.

Even if he wasn't the type to act childish with you, he was still a really good person to have as a roommate. He was always ready to help you out whenever you needed, no matter what the problem was. After a whole year you'd spend with him, you felt like you grew closer to him each day. And never did you think you'd end up seriously liking someone like him.

But little did you know that he knows you like him. Also you weren't so dumb to not notice how his behaviors have changed from the start of the time you two started living together to now and that he also got attracted to you. You weren't inexperienced in the matters of love, so you could tell that he has a caught a little thing for you.

One time you accidently said that you like him; it just slipped out of your mouth when you were enjoying a weekend. And to your surprise, he said that he does like you too. At that time you didn't know if it was because of the alcohol that you both were enjoying that he said that. But now that you think about it, you don't think it was the alcohol.

He just wasn't your type; and it hasn't changed till now, but still you fell for him. Harder than you could ever imagine. You yourself didn't know what was so special about the man that attracted you to him, but something about him always made him more special to you than others.

It was Tuesday evening and you both were done with the dinner.

"I'm going to my room now, goodnight Y/N." Nanami walked to him room after you let out a soft 'sleep well'. You were in the living room, still working on some papers you brought home today. You had some chill music playing in the room and it was raining; overall the mood felt cozy.

You wanted to complete as much work you can by tonight so that you didn't have to rush and ask help from Nanami at the end hour, like you always did.

It had already been at least two hours that you have been working on your office papers. The rain was pouring harder than before and it was thundering at time which caused you to stop for tonight.

You entered your room and got ready for sleep and wrapped yourself in your cozy blanket. You had your curtains closed but you could still see the lighting striking outside plus the loud noise keeping you from sleep. You absolutely hated it. You'd always hated thundering and lightings. You had already worked more than you usually did tonight and needed your beauty sleep, but the loud noises were making it impossible for you to do so.

A loud thundering was heard again and you were nowhere near to getting your sleep. After like half an hour, you get out of your bed and walk towards the door. You open the door and at the same time, Nanami also walked out of his room which was next to yours.

"Nanami? You're still awake?"

"I was supposed to sleep but I remembered that you are afraid of thunder so I thought to check up on you." Of course he'd know. You have been living together for a year already and he was really considerate of even little things about his roommate.

"Aww how sweet of you"

"So you were fine with the thundering?"

"Of course not! I couldn't fall asleep... and my eyes are getting heavier with the passing of every second here" You let out a yawn at the end of your sentence.

He let out a sigh, "Should I tug you to bed now?"

"Eh? Am I a kid now?" You frowned at his statement with a little laugh.

"Let's go to bed." He said as held your hand and pulled you inside his room. "You can sleep in the bed, I'll stay by your side till you fall asleep and will sleep in the living room, is that okay?"

You shook your head as a 'no'. But of course he didn't see that, he wasn't facing you. He made you sit on the bed.

"Lay down, it's already too late. You must be tired after all the work you did anyways." He grabbed the blanket to cover you but you grabbed onto his arms, making him stop his movements. "Yes?"

You collected your courage and asked him, "Lay here with me, will ya?" It was silent for almost a minute.

Nanami let out a breath, "You shouldn't be asking some man to do that."

"But you aren't just 'some' man. I trust you.. with everything" You did in fact trust him with all your heart. He wasn't the type to do something without your consent, and you know that.

"Y/N you really make the most troublesome requests, do you know that?" He said that but still walked to the other side of the bed and laid his body down, next to yours.

You were going talking about a random event that took place in your department today when a loud thundering was heard, making you squeal. The next thing you knew, Nanami had pulled you towards him, your head resting on his chest and his arms around you to make you feel safe. 

He pulled the blanket to cover both your bodies, "Let's really go to sleep now," You could just nod your head. He placed a kiss on the top of your head, "good night Y/N."

"Good night..." You merely murmured, since you were already out of words and out of your mind cuz' of a man named Nanami, whom you fell for.

Hey! Thank you for reading and all the love you've given to this book that I started out of curiosity. But I wanted to apologize for this one because I think this is written carelessly written. So sorry for that! Also let me tell you guys that you're always free to leave any request you have!

Also I changed the cover for the book, hope you like it :)

Take care

Bye <3

words count: 1104 words

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