-cookie monster- itadori yuuji

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"don't you feel like something is missing?" itadori beams up as soon as you speak, "finally you pointed it out. it has been bugging me since forever but i thought it was just me." he scoots closer to you on the couch, "did we forget something?"

you look around your dorm space, decorated in some christmas decors and a small tree in one corner, "we did get what we thought we needed. we also got ugly sweaters. what else do we need to do?"

you two look at each other for almost a minute, thinking about what's missing in the room. itadori grabs the phone from your hand, typing something. you scoot right besides him, linking your arms together as you look at your phone screen.

he just searched 'christmas vibe' up, looking at the pictures. you gasp, so does he, when you see one particular image. "that's right."

"we need to bake some cookies." he pulls you in a hug with a huge smile on his face. you ruffle his hair on the back of head before pulling away, "i know you haven't but i haven't baked either, ever."

"so what? we can figure it out."

that's what he said and you two had to watch about four different videos on how to bake cookies. as well as a quick trip to the store to get some things you didn't already have.

"so mix flour, baking soda, salt, brown sugar-" you hold your hand up, stopping him, "wait yuuji, tell me the measurements as well."

"uhm- how is 2 1/4? that much flour." you sigh, taking the small piece of paper with the recipe scribbled, "that's two fulls and half of half. let me do this." you mix the dry ingredients in a bowl before setting it aside while itadori just keeps his eyes on you and your working hands.

"could you crack and egg in that bowl?" he smiles, nodding at your command and doing as you said while you melt the butter.

you add sugar, vanilla and butter to the bowl and let itadori mix them all together. "keep mixing them until i say they're done, yeah?"

"yes ma'am, whatever you order."

you unwrap the bar of chocolate before breaking the first row and breaking it into two pieces. "ahh?" you hold a piece to itadori, him opening his mouth to grab the chocolate from you, "thanks."

"no problem." you blow him a kiss and put another piece of chocolate in your mouth. you get your chopping board and start cutting the chocolate into smaller pieces.

about thirty minutes pass and you've finally let the batter in the oven, letting it bake. you both get yourselves a drink before laying down on the couch.

"this was such a tiring idea." you groan, resting your head behind, him resting his head on your shoulder, "and i don't even think it's gonna turn out tasty."

you chuckle, playing with his hair, "should've just lit the candles." 

"well i can at least brag that i baked with you." 

"are you sure we set the timer correct?" he lifts his head a little to turn to look at you, "yeah?"

"so half an hour?" he looks confused like you just asked him to solve a math problem, "i don't know. was that how long the recipe said?"

"isn't it tho?" you groan, "i swear we never doing this again. let's just buy freshy mades ones from a bakery next time."

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