-warm meetings- fushiguro megumi

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might be ooc? idk but enjoy!

"i hate winter sometimes." your friend, kugisaki says as she links her arm with yours, in attempt to get some of your warmth. "but like, it's so fun dressing in winter, you know?"

"so true. dressing up in winter clothes just feels fancy and all." you chuckle, finally reaching the cafe and pushing the door open. you hold the door for your friend and get a table for two. right beside the window so you can see the snow falling and piling up on the ground.

"the usual?" kugisaki asks, putting her bag on the table. you nod and watch her walk to the counter to place your order. there are a few people in front of her in the counter. out of which you see the guy that has caught your eyes.

the first time you've seen him was at the same cafe while you were ordering your drinks and since then you find him the the same cafe quite a few times. you always notice his beautiful face structure. and the prettiest lashes you've seen on anyone.

you're so not complaining though. your eyes stay on him, watching him place his order and finding an empty table. he takes out his laptop and a notebook and starts doing his work. you look away before he could feel your eyes on him and label you as a creep.

you take your own phone out of your bag and check the new messages on your class group. kugisaki joins you, sitting in front of you with a grin, "your man's here." she says as she points to the man's table with her eyes.

you chuckle, "i know, i saw him. it's like.. fate." you laugh and joke about you seeing him in the cafe everytime before you go back to shit-talking about people. then justifying it, "it's not like we're doing anything wrong."

"right! we're just talking about the stupid things they did. and that's just the truth. we're not even making it up."

your friend nods at you with energy, "exactly, if you don't want people to talk about you, then just stop doing such dumb things."

you take a sip of your drink, leaning in towards the table, getting close to kugisaki, "and like how could she talk about," you fake cough, "sugar being flirty with the class representative in our group chat and then do the same herself?"

"ew i know, she's really getting on my nerves. everytime i see her or even her messages, i just feel the energy leaving my body." you groan, shaking your head and taking a piece of your tart.

"everything here is so good." you munch on your sweet treat, "i recommend this place to do our project."

kugisaki nods at you, taking a sip of her drink, "sure but what if salt or sugar see your man and start flirty with him? we're in the same group as them anyway."

you gasp, putting the spoon down, "don't jinx it, you dummy. i won't let them set an eye on him." she laughs and you wander your eyes to his table, seeing him already looking at you with an amused look on his face.

you quickly turn back to kugisaki, "he's looking at me." you try to look as normal as possible, thinking he could still be looking at you, "shit, was i talking loud?"

you see your friend, trying to hold in her laughter, "i'm sorry i think we were." you sigh, hiding your face in your palms, "see? these kind of things always happen when we're together. i blame it all on you."

"geez girl calm down. if he heard us, then at least he now knows about your little crush on him." 

that was last week. and finally after a whole week of not visiting the place, you enter the place, which surprise surprise is where you'll be doing your group project. you're the first one to arrive so you order yourself a drink, paying for it before looking for a table that could fit all other four members of your group.

just then your eyes meet his. he isn't alone today though. he is with someone, probably his friend. you don't care since he is all you could focus on.

you quickly snap out of it, clearing your throat before walking to a table. you quickly take out your phone and keep yourself, busy just so you don't land your eyes on him again.

you feel someone pass by your table, you know it him. how? you just do. the washroom is down the hallway, for which one needs to pass your table. before you could dwell on it more, your drink arrived and you try to keep your mind on your phone and your drink.

just a few seconds later, you feel him stand besides your chair. "hi." you take a quick breath in and out before looking up to meet his eyes. you try and smile at him, "hey."

"i'm sorry for approaching you like this. i'm fushiguro megumi. uhm-" he moves his eye to his table, probably looking at his friend before looking back at you. 

you finally got his name. "oh yeah no, uhm i'm y/n. hi." in the back of your mind you're debating what you should do or say. do you offer him a seat? do you get up as well? what do you say next?

"yeah i know." you look at him, surprised before he chuckles a little, "you aren't very quiet when you're with your friend." you could feel your face heat up, your hands automatically come up to cup your own face, "wow that's really embarrassing. i'm so sorry."

"no no, that's kinda nice actually. not you being loud but- seeing you and your friend enjoying your time. is that weird?"

"i.. don't know." you chuckle, gulping as you look back at him, "so.. you heard us? talking weird?"

"uh huh, pretty loud and clear, since i wouldn't be far from your table anyways." he lets out a deep breath, "what i wanted to tell you was.. i think you're really nice and i'd like to get to know you."

"oh." that wasn't a disappointed 'oh', that was a surprised 'oh'. because never would you have expected your "man", as you and kugisaki refer to him as, to come and talk to you. and definitely not asking to get to know you.

"wow, yeah of course. i'd love that very much." you smile at him, finally seeing his shoulders relax after hearing your reply. he takes his phone out of his pocket, "so can i get you number?"

"of course." you type in your number and hand him his phone back. he calls your number, you getting his number as well. "well then y/n, have a great time. i'll text you later, yeah?"

"sure thing. bye." you keep your eyes on him as he walks back to his table. his friend immediately wrapping his arm around his shoulders, teasing him. they seem to be done since they get their belongings and walk to the door. 

fushiguro looks back at you, waving with a small smile on his lips. his energetic friend besides him showing you his wide grin and waving at you as well before fushiguro drags him out.

you save his number on you phone, quickly calling kugisaki. a couple of rings later, you hear the cafe door open, seeing kugisaki. you signal her to get to you quick, which she does, "what is it?"

"you won't believe what just happened."

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