-partners- fushiguro megumi

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It had been about five months since you and your twin sister, Nobara have been attending Jujutsu Tech. Nobara was the older twin and you were the younger twin by a few minutes.

Over the time you spent in Jujutsu Tech, you've grown closer with the other two first years. It was always really fun when you four would be just chilling and hanging out together. Let's just say you had made some friends whom you can trust with your life.

Currently, the two first year boys were in the ground, waiting for the twins to come for their practice.

"Hey Fushiguro" Itadori asked breaking the silence while Fushiguro just 'hmm'ed at the pretty boy with pink hair.

"You like Y/N?" This made Fushiguro chock on his own saliva.

"W-What? That's so random!" Fishing subconsciously raised his voice.

"Oi! Why are you getting mad?!"

Fushiguro relaxed his body and cleared his throat, "I didn't." He looked away to avoid Itadori's gaze.

"You're not answering my question you know." Itadori looked at Fushiguro with narrow eyes.

"What makes you think like that anyway?"

"I mean... you act different around her."

"Of course I would act different around her, she's not dumb like you for most of the times and she's a girl... I guess that's why?"

"As if i'm gonna take that. Then what about Nobara?" Itadori said with a little giggle.

"Geez shut it now." He saw you and Nobara walking towards them, "Well they are coming, let's get ready." He stood up and stretched his arms out.

Itadori then creeped behind him, "You still haven't answered my question by the way." That startled Fushiguro and jumped a little.

"You know what I'm gonna take that as a yes."

"Shut up." Fushiguro smacked Itadori's head.

"Oh! You are not even going to refuse that?!" Itadori's eyes sparkled and he jumped onto the black haired boy, falling down together.

"The hell are you two even doing out here?" Nobara asked the boys with her arms crossed over her chest with a frown on her face.

"Sensei! Fushiguro likes Y/N you know that?"

. . .

The two first year boys were with their teacher, doing nothing in particular actually. And Itadori's big mouth spilled about Fushiguro's crush on Y/N to their teacher.

Gojo let out a little laugh and speaks, "Of course I knew, me having my blindfold on doesn't mean I'm blind and can't see you know."

"Eh? You knew?" Itadori asked with a pout, "I wanted to be the one to tell you about it."

"Megumi's stone personality changes into cotton candy when he's around Y/N. A person would be blind and dumb if they don't see how Megumi acts all sweet with Y/N."

"Can you two stop talking as if I'm not here?" Fushiguro spoke, making the two to stop and look at him.

"Megumi chan come to me for advice, okay?" Gojo blew a kiss at Megumi.

"But sensei you've never dated anyone before right?" Itadori asked with pure innocence in his voice.

You were with your classmates, now waiting for your teacher to come and give details about your mission.

"Sorry for the wait!" He walked towards you four with his one hand in his pocket and the other waving at you all.

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