-pretty lifesaver- okkotsu yuuta

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you lay in your bed and take out your notes, pens and whatever else you need to complete your homework. you start with english first, starting from the easier ones first. then you take out your math notebook and turn the pages to start with it only to find out that you have not finished writing the solution down.

"ugh why is this not complete?" you go through your bag to take your math book out, only that you do not find it. "huh" you go through your bag again to see if you missed, "i.. do not have my book."

you remember taking it out during the class so no way you have it in your room unless you didn't see it in your bag so you check again. nope. it is not in your bag.

you must have left it in your locker. sighing, you lay on your bed and go through your phone. break time.

you little break soon grows into an hour long and before you know it, it is starting to get dark outside.

"oh. my. god. i do not have my book with me." like the realization just hit you, you start to panic and look through your bag again. but that is not gonna change the fact that it really is not in your bag.

you grab your phone and call your saviour. after a couple of rings, he picks up the call, "hello?" you hear his usual calm voice and you could not help but smile.

"hi! what were you doing?" you plop your head on the pillow. "i was gonna go for a run. you in trouble or something?"

you scoff, "rude. but no i need you help." "so you did get into trouble?" he chuckles.

"rin! no. i need real help here." he pauses for a second before continuing, "okay tell me what happened."

"so i think i left my math book at school and i did not complete whatever we were writing and i cannot do my homework and the only times i don't do homework are the times they check it- yuuta help me please."

"jesus how could-" you stop him before he gets too into lecturing you, "rin, baby i know what you'll say so save it for later. i need to get this thing done."

you hear him sigh, "whatchu want me to do anyways?"

"bring me your notes and your book." silence takes over so you continue, "and i promise i will not forget to bring it to you tomorrow."

"y/n, i am about to go for my daily run."

"that's perfect then. you can go for run and bring me your book."

"ugh you're lucky i love you."

your face instantly breaks into a smile, "i know i am. thanks a lot yuuta."

"yeah i'll see you in a bit." he hangs up with that. you grab your phone and walk out your room and into the living room. you put something on the tv and grab yourself a drink from fridge.

about ten minutes later, you hear the doorbell ring and you run towards the door. you yank the door open and see your boyfriend.

beaming up at him, you put your arms around him, "hi." you pull back and place a kiss on his lips. "you really are a trouble y/n. come on." he lets himself inside your house and waits for you to do the same.

someone might even confuse yuuta as the house owner and you as the friend staying at his place. but he is just used to being at your place and with your family.

you get in and lock the door behind you, "aren't you going for a run?"

"i was going to but i thought you might need help with these." he lifts the book and his notes in his hand. you smile cheekily at him, "well well, aren't you real sweet?"

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