-partition- geto suguru

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you exit the office after handing in the report of your recent mission. you walk through the hallways as you think about what to have for for dinner.

once you enter your dorm, you see pair of shoes near the doorway which clearly aren't yours. you walk inside and see suguru, your boyfriend in the kitchen, checking the fridge.

"hey when did you get back from your mission?" you ask as you walk to the kitchen. on hearing your voice, he closes the fridge door, walking towards you with a smile on his pretty face, "hello darling."

he pulls you in his embrace, wrapping his hands around your waist while resting his chin on top of your head. "i was done with that pain in the ass mission a few hours back and came here after a nice shower a few minutes back actually." he cups your face to bring your face closer to his so he could place a kiss on your lips.

you smile into the kiss, looking at him as he pulls back. "you hungry?" he tilts his head, stroking your hair. "kinda but really tired. let's go to bed?"

he chuckles and nods his head, taking your hand in his and walk to your bedroom, you letting him drag you. he plops himself in your bed, pulling you together with him.

bringing you closer to him by pulling you by your waist, he wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your chest.

"how was your mission?" you ask softly as you run your fingers through his loose hair, playing around with it.

"it would have been a lot less tiring for me if satoru wasn't acting like a child." he lets out a breath and start telling you about his mission and how satoru was the reason he is this tired; he had to babysit him and make sure he didn't do unnecessary damages to the building and other structures.

you were playing around with his hair the whole time he was telling you about his day, getting comfortable in your arms that he quietly falls asleep. since your man is already sound asleep, you think you might as well take a quick nap after the exhausting day.

you end up waking as you feel hungry after about an hour long nap. you feel suguru's hands still around your waist, slowly getting up and try to get yourself out of his grip without moving around too much so he doesn't wake up.

you walk out of the room and close the door behind you, trying not make much sound. you walk to the kitchen and check the ingredients and think of what you can make from them.

after some brain whacking deep thoughts you decide what the dinner would be. you put on your usual playlist on your phone and start preparing for the dinner.

about half an hour of you keeping yourself busy in the kitchen, you hear footsteps. you don't need to look back to know it's your boyfriend.

"welcome back pretty princess." you giggle when you see his sleepy face. he is barely opening his eyes and his hair is a mess, but still is able to look cute.

letting out a 'mhm' sound he comes to wrap his arms around your waist from behind, pasting his body on yours and resting his head on your shoulder.

"still sleepy, huh?" you bring your hand up to his hair while you stir the curry on the stove with your other.

"yeah. but i slept good." you bite the inside of your lip hearing his hoarse voice. no matter how long you've been together with him, small things about him never fail to make you feel some typa way.

"the dinner will be done soon, don't fall asleep again. it'll be a lot of work to wake you up."

a few more seconds of him hugging you, he moves to the sink and splashes cold water on his face to keep his eyes awake. drying his face with face with paper towel, he comes besides you, "what do you want me to do?"

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