-meraki- kamo choso

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you have locked yourself in your dorm since last night. the finals are coming and everytime you think about it, is making your tension rise. 

the teachers being the villain in your story, have given the class a few projects saying 'it carries twenty percent for the finals', just three weeks before the finals and that just made you stress out even more. that should be illegal.

you feel like crying now. you have to buy some things for the house, have the laundry basket piling up, you still have to do the assignment plus have to start studying and on top of it all, are feeling hungry.

feeling yourself starting to panic, you grab your phone and call your boyfriend, the one who always comes to your rescue, no matter the situation. you chew on your lower lip as you hear the ring go.

he picks up the call after a few rings, "hi baby." you let out the breath you've been holding as soon as you hear his voice. "choso, baby i'm sorry to call you when you have to study as well."

"don't be ridiculous. you know i alway tell you to call me whenever you feel like it. now tell me is something wrong?" you open your mouth to reply to him but the tears that you've been holding back gets out. 

you don't have to be a genius to know how that managed to make choso so much worried in a second. "y/n, what's wrong? are you hurt?" you shake your head as if he could see it and try to calm down, "i'm sorry.. give me a minute."

"shh, baby take as much time as you need. i am here, yeah?" you nod your head, letting out a 'um' sound as a response for him and wipe your tears as you steady your breaths. after a minute or two, you're finally able to speak.

you clear your throat, "sorry for that, everything was stressing me out and hearing you just made me let it all out." you put your phone on speaker and put it on the table so you could hold your head in your hand.

"you know what y/n, i'll be there in ten. i'll bring everything we need and we can work together. how's that sound?" you could hear him move things around, packing up his things before he could even hear your reply, which he knows the answer to.

"yeah that sounds great. thanks." you already feel much better hearing from him and hearing him say he's coming over, he's just the vitamin you need. "uh huh, see you in a bit. i love you."

you chuckle, "yep. i love you too." you hang up the call and let out a long breath before you drink some water from your bottle. stretching your arms up, you walk to the bathroom to wash your face and feel fresh.

you suddenly feel motivated enough to work around so you put your clothes in the wash and do the dishes. you then clear out your kitchen counter, cleaning it along with the coffee table in your living room.

just as you're about to clean your room, you hear your doorbell ring. rushing back in front, you leave the cleaning rag and the cleaner in the counter and open the door with a huge smile.

you are greeted by your boyfriend with his backpack and a plastic bag in one hand. "hi." you hug him tight, extending the 'i's in your hi and ruffle his hair. he rests his head in your shoulder, placing a kiss on your neck, "hey pretty."

he strokes your hair, making you giddy as you pull back, "i've been waiting for you." you let him in and lock the door, following him into the living room. 

"well sorry for making you wait." he puts the plastic bag on the coffee table and sets his bag down, "you're in a lot better state than i expected you to be baby. i hope you haven't had anything cause i brought us food." you chuckle, shaking your head and sitting next to him on the couch, "nah i haven't, thanks a lot."

"don't even mention it." he takes the food containers out along with the drinks while you put on a show you two had been watching before. 

after the food, comes the clearing up so you can study. choso puts the empty food containers in the same plastic bag he brought them in while you get a rag and spray to clear the table. 

finishing up the quick clean up, he brings out his laptop and his notes while you do the same, bring them out in the living room from your room. 

since the table in your living room is pretty small for two people to study and spread out your materials, you kitchen counter is your study table when you two are together. you sit beside him, handing him the notes with some points you've highlighted for the assignment, him doing the same so you could see each other's progress.

"how about you write on the pros and i'll do the cons? and we could just change the way and order we write it?" you nod your head with a smile on your face, "you're making me wanna kiss you." 

he chuckles, turning away from you, "no one's stopping you but we've got some things that we need to get done here, pretty." you grab his hoodie, pulling him in so you could place a quick kiss in his lip, "i can't wait to get over with these."

he smiles, ruffling your hair, "i know baby, me too." as you go through his notes, him doing the same, "i've brought change though. do you mind me staying over?" you almost jump at him, turning to him with a huge grin on your face, "why do you think you even need to ask that?"

you pull him in for yet another kiss, a deeper one this time, pulling back just a little so you could see him, "i really love you, you know." he smiles, tilting his head, "yeah i know baby. i do too."

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