-rose petals- itadori yuuji

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lmfao hii so a lil update about my application cuz it REALLY stressed me out. so i filled out my application form right and i go there to submit it and as soon as the man there takes the form, he goes, "oh my looks like they gave you the old form." bitch pls😭😭 and then he take out another form which was colored (the one before was black n white) so i think maybe they just added colors, it's no big deal. BUT NO GIRL THE NEW FORM WAS 3 PAGES LONG (pls tell me that is not normal) and the one before was just a page so i now sit there seeing so many unnecessary things to fill out.

but anyways i take my sweet time and am filling out the form and you know how the last form asked my ambition in life (it had only one line empty for answer) the new one literally asked me to EXPLAIN MY CAREER PLANS AFTER FINISHING MY COURSE and it had this HUGE ASS EMPTY BOX SPACE FOR THE ANSWER🤯😭😭🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ i literally sat there starring at that thing for like 5 full minutes and then wrote whatever.

never thought an application could stress one out this much👾

also the title has nothing to do with the story. i just didn't know what to name it and that's the song i'm listening (LISTEN TO DARCI MY PEOPLE i'm sure you'll love his music coz it's SO DAMN GOOD)

anyways that's all enjoy this😋

you wave your friend goodbye as you both have your houses opposite ways

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you wave your friend goodbye as you both have your houses opposite ways. it is already an hour after the final bell rang but you being a member of the student council, had to say back to go over the activities planned for the school festival with other members.

you turn away and walk away from the school gates as you make a mental note of some things you have to get from the department store before you actually go home.

"hey pretty girl, where are you going?" your heartbeat quickens when you find two men walking besides you. you think of ignoring them and fasten your walking pace. they laugh, "why are you trying to get away?"

it is the first time you're encountering creeps like this and you're too scared to think about what to do. one of the guy grabs your wrist, making you stop, "why don't we drop you home, yeah?"

you struggle of get your hand away from his grip. you close your eyes and let out a breath and open them again as you face the two old men in front of you. disgusting.

"i am actually with a friend. he should be getting here soon, so you can go your own ways." you thought that if you announce that you have a boy with you, they'd leave you alone but they just chuckle.

"oh yeah? you can just forget about him and come-" the man couldn't finish his sentence as you're joined by another person. all three pairs of eyes are on the new company you've got.

you let out a sigh of relief as you recognized the new person to be itadori yuuji, one of your classmates. he is looking at the two men with a stern expression on his face and he yanks the man's hands off of your wrist. 

"itadori.." you mumble his name as he comes between you and the two men. "you don't have to trouble yourself, i am here so i'm gonna take her from here." he tightens his grip on the man's wrist, and him being physically strong, the man winces and pulls his hand away from itadori.

itadori grabs your wrist and starts walking away from them. you keep yourself close to him in case they do something again. thankfully the guys didn't bother again but still itadori holds your wrist, only letting go after getting quite away from the place where they were.

he stops and looks behind, letting out a breath when he sees no one behind you two, he lets go of your hand and cups your face, looking at you, "are you okay? did they hurt you?" he asked, worried if he was late.

you shake your head, "no. i am fine. thank you so much." you keep your hands on top of his own, "that.. was really scary." you close your eyes and take slow steady breaths, in and out.

you stay in the same position and when you finally open your eyes, you find itadori's face full of worry. you smile at him, "i'm fine now though. don't worry."

he gives you a little smile, "let me drop you home, okay?" you nod, no way you could say no to that cute face. luickly, you were already on pretty friendly terms with him so it wasn't awkward even when you had nothing really to say to him on the way back.

"what were you doing at this hour?" you ask, since he is still in his school uniform and he was coming from your school's direction before. " oh.." he chuckles and scratches the back of his head, "our club had a meeting. you know since the club doesn't do actual club like works, but it is fun to be around them."

you smile at him, "yeah i get it. hey i need to stop by the store to get some things. you can go."

"woah you're telling that as if you wanna get rid of me." you look at him and quickly shake you head, "no no that's not what i meant." you huff out a breath when you see him laugh at you, "so not funny you know."

"no it was funny.. sorry." he stops laughing and looks at you with a smile, "let me accompany you, yeah?" you start walking ahead, "yeah sure. whatever you wanna do."

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