-oops- gojo satoru

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i wrote this for new years and i thought i uploaded it but i found it unedited in my drafts. oops

enjoy though :)

"okay so don't get mad-" you sigh as soon as you hear gojo, already throwing your hands up in air, "no, i don't wanna hear what you did or whatever happened, i'm in my zone so don't tell me anything."

he sighs, coming to lay down in your bed, right besides you, "hear me out though. i promise it's not even as bad you think it might be."

"oh yeah? i don't wanna take my chances though." you turn your eyes back on your phone, going through the website to see if you find something cute to wear for the new year party geto was going to throw.

"look at me before i throw your phone down the window, sweets." you dramatically gasp, side eyeing him as you bring your phone to your chest, "threatening me while calling me something cute huh?"

you put your phone down, turning your body to him, "okay tell me what you did." he scoffs, looking offended, "i didn't even do anything." he looks at you with a small grin on his lips, "so turns out i forgot that there was an end of the year meeting at the clan house tonight. and like you know this is the one event i have to attend so come along with me?"

you look at him, confused and boredom, "why do i gotta go?  not that i'm saying we're ready to get married, but you haven't even wifed me up. you haven't put a ring on my finger yet. why do i gotta attend?"

he laughs, pulling you in for a kiss, "oh baby, but everyone just knows about us. and i really need you as my emotional support with all those annoying old folks. attend this thing with me? please?"

you can't even hide your smile in front of him even if you tried, "yeah sure sure. i don't know what they put in their food, but it's always so good." 

his face instantly lightens up, cupping your face and placing a soft kiss on your lips, "great then. you might start getting ready because we have an hour max to get there." the light from your face drains away and gojo gets out of the bed before you could attack him.

"i swear you really get up in the morning with the goal to make my day worse than the day before's."

he winks at you and stands in front of the bathroom door as he looks back at you, "as much as i love seeing you get angry, you might wanna join me here before we get late."

you try and get ready as soon as possible but the dress you had to put on was taking tons of time. "why is this skirt so hard to tie?" you sigh, pushing your hair away from your face, "satoru are you sure we are doing this right?"

he stops to look at the phone on the floor besides him, "that's how they're doing in this video."

after another ten minutes of putting it on and taking it off because it did not look right, you're finally done with the dress. you let out a long breath, looking at the full length mirror on the floor, "finally.." (idk how to explain but basically i imagined something like utahite wears. long, wide sleeves and wide skirt on bottoms. let me know if you know what it's called <3)

gojo gets up from the floor, dusting his own haori and looking at you up and down, "you look very unwrappable in this." you turn to him with a frown, "ew shut up, give me like ten minutes and we can go."

he lets out a sigh, "take all the time you need, i'll be in the living room." you chuckle, "don't worry i'll be done in time so we don't be too late."

you touch up your hair and makeup, putting on perfume and packing your bag with your essentials before you head out the room. "i'm done."

he looks at you with a smile, "you look beautiful, as usual." he gets up from the couch, walking to you. "i don't feel like going.." he cups your face before kissing your lips ever so softly. you smile into the kiss and pull back to look at him, "i know you don't, but you gotta. and i didn't dress up for you to say you don't wanna go."

you intertwine your fingers together with him, grabbing the keys from the side table, "keep behaving like this and i'll have to be the man in this relationship and drive us there." he laughs, grabbing the car key from you, "i would never let you drive, or do any hard work as long as i'm here." you cringe when he blows you kiss.

"prepare yourself to listen to all their crap. and not act out." you chuckle as you lock the front door, pulling him down to place a kiss on his lips, "we'll leave as soon as possible, yeah?"

he nods with a sigh, "i hope my ears don't bleed."

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