-cafune- itadori yuuji

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you are cooking dinner for both you and your boyfriend, him just coming home after completing his mission, that your teacher tossed to him. you are stirring the curry on low heat when you feel a pair of arms wrapping around your waist.

"yuuji?"you turn around to face him, "give me about 10 minutes, dinner will be done soon." he pouts, "dinner can wait tho." he speaks in a low, lazy tone which you think is so cute.

"just go and lay down for a bit, you must be tired." you say, removing his arms from around your waist so you can go back to cooking.

"ugh just let that be." he says and without waiting for you to say anything, he carries you in his arms, going into the living room.

"yuuji! let me down." you wiggle around, trying and failing to move out of his arms. "hah, no." itadori giggles, before throwing you on the couch.

"ow, yuuji! what is wrong with you?" you look at him, his face in his usual sunshine smile. "now cuddle with me." he speaks in such a sweet tone that UGH that just melted your heart.

"i'm in middle of cooking us dinner, baby." you look away, towards the kitchen since you didn;t forget that your curry is still on stove.

"come on y/n.." he plops himself on top of you, being careful he doesn't crush you underneath, "let's stay like this for a while." 

you give up, you could never win with him and his cuteness anyways, "fine, just for a minute though."

he rests his head in the crook of your neck as he wraps his hands around your waist. you put your hand on his back, and the other stroking his hair, which you've found out helps him relax. he likes when you play with his hair, and you like playing with his hair. a win-win situation.

"you know.. today's mission was so troublesome. and that sukuna was being such a pain. he always is, but some reason he wanted to make my day more miserable." your boyfriend starts talking, more like complaining about his mission.

"you know i can hear you talk shit about me, right?" suddenly, a deeper voice speaks as a mouth appears in yuuji's cheek. you forgot he could do that.

"yeah, and you and i both know how much of a shit you are." itadori says before slapping his own cheeks. finally the mouth disappearing. 

you chuckle, holding his cheeks in your hand before giving him a quick peck on his lips, "don't get so aggressive, you're just hurting yourself."

a small smile forms on his lips, "i won't be satisfied with just that, you know." you gasp, slapping his chest and looking away, "oh my god, shut up."

he chuckles, moving up as he cups your face to place a kiss on your lips. you smile onto the kiss as you return his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in closer. 

"don't go on doing nasty stuffs kids." the same deeper voice, at which you're starting to get annoyed at speaks again. sukuna's mouth appearing on itadori's cheeks like before.

"what the hell?! stop disturbing, you idiot." itadori slaps his cheek where the mouth appeared, harder than he did before. "ow that hurt." he rubs his cheek when the mouth finally disappears again.

"of course it will if you keep on slapping yourself like that, dummy." you let out a small laugh, motioning him to move closer to you.

He again lays on you chest, his head on the crook of your neck. But then suddenly you smell something burning. You were so lost due to Yuuji that you had to think for a while to remember what you were doing. Then it suddenly hits you.

"oh shit. the curry is still on stove." you shout throwing itadori off of you, yes literally throwing.

"y/n, don't be so harsh!" he whines but you were too focused on not getting the place on fire. you ignore him and rush to the kitchen and turn the stove off. though it's too late since the pot covered in black and burnt.

"oh geez. it smells so bad." itadori says while entering the kitchen, using his finger to pinch his nose to block the burnt smell.

you scoff, looking back at him, "and it's all because of you."

he awkwardly chuckles, "uhm so... what now?" you furrow your brows, "what?"

"about dinner? i'm starting to get real hungry."

"wanna eat this burnt shit?"

"or something else?" sukuna appears again and speaks out of nowhere, startling the both of you. then disappearing before itadori could say something or slap himself again.

he clicks his tongue, shaking his head, "should we order something?" 

 before you could agree, there is a knock on the door. itadori looks at you, "was someone coming over?" you shake your head and you both walk to the front to open the door.

"gojo sensei?"

he greets you both with his usual smile and a wave, "yo both of you."

"what are you doing here?" you ask, having a feeling he might just dump another mission.

"mm nothing, just wanted to see if yuuji completed his mission."

"yeah i did." he pauses of s second before speaking again with a huge smile on his face, "so how about you buy us dinner?"

"huh? the last time i checked in you were gonna make dinner?" he looks at you. you just sigh, "yeah but.. it got burned."

he lets out a dramatic sigh, "you kids are so careless." you gasp, "first, that's really mean. and second, you don't get to say it."

"whatever, let's go then. i'll be at the gate. get changed quick, yeah?" he starts walking away.

"sure, we'll be there in a bit." 

after the dinner, you both return back and quickly get ready for sleep. you are already in bed while yuuji was still washing up. a few moments later, he comes out in his pajamas. 

he plops himself on the bed, besides you, getting under the blanket and wrapping his arms around your waist, "it's getting cold." 

"yeah, it's gonna be so troublesome to get up early." you snuggle closer to him. "especially if you have someone who you can cuddle with the whole day."

you chuckle, wrapping your arms around his and resting your head on his chest. you could hear his heartbeat, which might be a cliche but was somewhat satisfying for you to hear.

you both enjoy each other's company as you both talk about some random things. and soon enough you could feel your eyes drooping.

"y/n..." he speaks in a soft tone while you just hmm in response. "i love you." he says before placing a kiss on your forehead. you smile as you pull back from his chest a little to look at him, "i love you too." you place another kiss on his, but this time on his lips.

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