-love you like me- okkotsu yuuta

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you open the door to yours and your boyfriend's shared apartment and quickly take your heels off, "ugh my feet hurts." you mumble to yourself and lock the door behind you.  

you walk towards your shared bedroom when a voice speaks behind you, "hey you're home." you jump with your hands on your chest and quickly turn back, "fuck!"

"calm down love, it's me." yuuta comes towards you and you quickly calm down at his sight, "okkotsu.." you let your bag fall on the floor and let your body fall onto your boyfriend. "you're home early." you say softly and pull a little away, just enough to look at his face and place a kiss on his lips.

you pull back and see a sweet smile on yuuta's face. "yeah work ended early today. how was your day?" he brings his palm to caress your face.

"very tiring." you place your hand behind his neck and pull him closer to kiss him again. you place your palm on his jaw and deepen the kiss. your boyfriend quickly responds to the kiss and wraps his arms around your waist and pull you closer to himself.

he tilts your face with his hands on your cheek and places his hand behind your neck like he could pull you any closer than you already are.

as much as you love kissing him, you also don't want to suffocate and die so early in your life so you pull back and look at his face. he looks so handsome you might just melt away and the way he is looking at you with full of love and adoration is only making your knees go weak.

"you must be hungry, what do you want for dinner?" he asks cupping your face.

"i just wanna lay down right now, my back is killing me." you kiss the tip of his nose and pull away from him to enter your bedroom. he follows you behind with your bag which you left on the floor.

gosh bless him.

"i'm gonna take a shower." you look back at him and see his putting your bag away, "yeah sure." he turns back to you to see you looking at him, "what? you want me to join?" he lets out a laugh.

you chuckle and shake your head, "as much as i'd like that, i have no energy for you." you enter the bathroom and get out of your work clothes to take a long shower.

you wrap yourself on your robe and dry your hair. after putting on your lotion and moisturizer, you exit the bathroom. finding your boyfriend in the bed, on his phone, you join him.

he welcomes you with open arms and hold you close to him. he wraps his arms around you which never fails to make you feel safe. it might just be the end of the world and you seconds away from disappearing but having him close and his arms around you would make you feel safer than ever.

he strokes your hair, "did you change your shampoo? it smells different." you hear him sniff your hair which makes you laugh, "yeah the packaging was real cute and they were out of my usual one."

"it's really nice, it smells.. delicious? like i would not care if it's not edible but i would eat it."

you talk with him for as long as you remember before you fall asleep in his arms.

by the time you wake up, you are the only one in the bed. you stretch your arms up and sit up looking around to find the room empty. taking a minute to get out of your sleep, you walk out the bedroom and find your boyfriend in the kitchen.

"hi." you walk towards him and hug his body from behind. he turns around and looks at you, "hey, go sit there looking pretty like always, i'm cooking us dinner."

you peak at the stove to see what he's making, "do you need help?"

"you would be more of a distraction than help." he chuckles and tugs your front strands behind your ear, "but seriously, just go rest, i'll be done very soon." you nod and kiss his lips before going into the living room to watch the series you're currently watching.

about half an hour later, yuuta brings food to you in the living room along with some drinks, "eat up babe. i made you favorites."

"but.." you start making him pause and look at you, "you're my favorite." he pauses for a few seconds making you laugh at his expression, "jesus you should have seen your face." shaking his head, " yeah thanks for the info." he playfully rolls his eyes and serves you.

oh, the way he pampers you on a daily basis. the man's bad down for you.

words count: 791 words

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