Zenin Maki

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a short one i wrote to distract my mind, hope you enjoy :)

You like Maki. You didn't like her just for her looks but for the way she is, her behavior and her personality. You like how independent, strong and determined she was to prove her family wrong.

With the every moment you spend with her, it felt like you were falling deeper and deeper for her. She knew you liked her, even you knew she like you. Even the first and second years knew that you both like each other.

Even if you weren't 'officially' dating, you were already acting like a couple. It was nice knowing that the one you like likes you back. It just gives a warm feeling which was comforting somehow. So you didn't really cared about the title of 'dating'.

Right now, you were with Maki, walking to the grounds to meet with the others. You were literally hanging onto Maki's arms for support and move. You were on your periods and every little movement was irritating your body.

"Come on hurry up!" Nobara yelled at the sight of you two.

"How can y'all be so energetic all the freaking time?" You neared them and Maki led you to a tree to support yourself on.

"Ugh I'm tired." Maki also took the support of the tree to stay up after taking your weight upon herself.

"So new mission?" Panda asked walking toward the two of you.

"Uh huh, it sounded troublesome." You sigh.

"We'll be fine" Panda said with a thumbs up.

"Salmon." Said Inumaki.

"And who said you are going as well?" Maki crossed her arms over your chest.


"It's just me and Y/ that are going."

"Oh my too bad then. Best of luck then."

"When are you going?" Nobara asked.

"In a bit, I guess?" You look at Maki.

"We'll leave in about 15 minutes I think. Is it okay with you Y/N?"

"Yep I'm fine with it." You sit down, resting your back on the tree behind you.

"She never asks us if we're fine with ii though." Panda pouted.

"That's because it's Y/N sempai we're talking about." Megumi said with a sigh.

Yuuji nodded, "Special treatment only for her."

"How cute is that." Nobara squealed.

After spending sometime in getting ready, you move to the scene while taking in some information on the curse you were going to exorcist.

On reaching the scene, you move your gaze to look around the area. It was nothing special, just an school building with some construction going on in the big ground area.

"Let's get over this quickly"

"Of course~"

Maki let her body fall on the ground after cutting the curse into a few pieces. You also stop the flow of curse energy throughout your body and drag your legs to where Maki is. You sit on the ground, next to her laying body and exhale a long breadth.

Some moments later, you get up and extend your hands to her, for her to get up. You smirked and took you hand and getting up. But then she pulled your body closer to hers and kissed your lips, making you freeze.

After a while, she pulled away and looked at your flustered face, "Ya know, let's date."

You stay silent for a few seconds to take in what just happened and blinked a few times.

"Jesus Maki I thought you'd never say that. Now I'll have every right to get jealous." You linked your arms with hers. "Let's go get something to eat."

words count: 747 words

Hey y'all don't mind me here, I just wanna rant a little so that I could at least a little less troubled. So today I had my results and got A for my finals, like that was just how much I expected I would get so I was okay with it. When I told my family about it, my dad was like I expected you to get a B, I'm surprised and all that. Like tf is wrong with you old man at least appreciate it damn it. It was so irritating and frustrating why can't he like at least be happy. And later he say that he wanted to distribute sweets in the neighborhood if I got an A+ if you wanted to distribute one so bad you should have gotten an A+ yourself and did whatever the hell you wanted. I just wanna cry rn

ANYWAYS thank you for reading this and for all the support (also for reading my little rant). I started this just for fun and didn't think it would get this much love.

Again thank you and take care :)

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