-starved- fushiguro toji

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"i knew i'd find you here." you say as you creep behind the older man, taking out a cigarette from the pack. he doesn't need to turn behind to know it's you.

of course he has your voice and scent memorized in his head. "why are you out so late?" he takes a sip of his beer.

you sit down close next to him, "i forgot my lighter." he sighs, taking one out of his pocket. finally turning to look at you, "is he drunk again?" he asks, lighting your cigarette.

you chuckle, "you're asking me that when you're almost drunk yourself?" he chuckles lowly, putting the lighter away and leaning back on the wall, "you know i have high tolerance."

you smile, taking a puff and stare ahead into nothing in particular, "it was getting annoying. staying in the house while they were arguing since.. like forever. geez when can i get some quiet in that house?"

he looks at you, then down at your outfit, noticing the short dress you are wearing, "were you going somewhere or justed wanted to dress up?"

you lean away, trying to show him your whole dress, "why? do i look pretty?" you wiggle your brows twice. he just shakes his head looking away from you, "you'll catch a cold."

you scoff, taking another puff of smoke, "look at you trying act as if you're my father." you bring your legs to your chest, wrapping one hand around then and resting your head in your knees, "i was gonna go to this party my friend invited me to. but by the time i got there i didn't feel like it."

"hmm.. will you be going home tonight?"

"i don't know.. depends on my mood i guess." you giggle, putting out the cigarette in the ground and throwing it somewhere ahead, "you remember my friend brianna?" he takes a second to himself, "which one is that one again?"

"the one who likes the captain of volleyball team? please you tell me you remember." he takes another sip from his bottle, finishing it, "ah.. that one. yeah i do, i'm just not good with names. what about her?" he puts the bottle besides him, turning his head to you.

"they started dating." he didn't miss the way your voice dropped the energy from before, "and you don't like it?"

you hug your legs, resting your chin on your knee, trying not to look at toji, "no.. yeah? i mean i am happy for her. i did play a little matchmaking for them. but.. i kinda don't want them to be together?" 

you cover your face with your hands, letting out a sigh, "not because i like him or her but it's just.. they look so happy together and i don't like seeing that."

"so you're jealous?" you turn your head to him, opening your mouth to deny it, but the words don't come out when you realize that you are jealous. "does that make me a bad person?"

he keeps his eyes on yours as the cold wind blows, blowing your hair. he also notices the goosebumps raise on your arms. he sighs, he takes off his jacket and leans in towards you. you take a deep breath of his scent, almost leaning into him warmth. 

he places his jacket on your shoulders before looking at you for a brief moment and pulling back away from you, "put that on. or you're gonna catch a cold and have to stay home, which i think you don't really like."

you chuckle, getting your arms through the sleeves, "thanks." he ruffles your hair, "no problem. and that doesn't make you a bad person. it's normal to feel jealous, especially when you're used to seeing your parents fight and don't have a serious partner until now. no offence."

you don't know if you should laugh or cry at that, so you end up doing them both. you laugh at his comment and see him crack a smile which then makes you cry. why? well emotions are a bitch. you can never understand them.

"i hate everything. i hate how they are the ones who brought me to life and they act like they did me a favor when i didn't ask to be born." you hide your face in your palm and cry, continuing to complain, "why do i have to take the balm for everything that goes wrong in the family? why am i the one who has to help my mom in the kitchen and do as my dad says while my brother is rotting in his room on his phone?"

"why do they not see their son failing his exams, while me getting a b plus is bad? why do i have to listen to them say how they expect me to do better but cannot see i'm the one doing the most in the family?"

toji just listens to you ramble on about your family and life as he pulls you in onto his arms. he effortlessly lifts you up from the dusty rocky ground and in his lap to make sure you're comfortable.

you hide your face in his chest as he hold your body with his muscular arms, making you feel safe and honestly, just not alone. you continue sobbing while he pats your back and holds you close, making sure you know he's there with you.

after what felt like ages for you, but in reality was just a little over ten minutes, you calm down and you pull away from toji, looking down to avoid his eyes, "i'm sorry you had to see me cry again."

he chuckles, tucking the hair covering your face behind your ears and holding your face in his palm to make you look at him, "i've told you this before, you don't ever have to be sorry for anything with me, yeah? i'll hear you complain, see you cry and calm you down all you need. so just don't keep everything inside you and burden yourself. you need to let them out once in a while."

you sniffle, smiling as you let him wipe the tears from your cheeks, "would it be weird to say that i wish you were the one taking care of me?"

he pauses, then continues patting your head, "i think so."

let me know how this was. the one who requested this wanted a non romantic relation with the reader having daddy issues so i hope this is how it's supposed to be. 

and you guys are here to hear me rant so i just wanted you to know that if there's something bothering you, i'm always here to listen to you. i may not be the best with words but i'll try my best to help you so don't feel awkward or anything <3

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