-come around- gojo satoru

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in honor of my man getting sealed but looking pretty the whole time and chapter 236

enjoy :)

"i can't come tonight." you speak into your phone to geto suguru, one of your friends from college. "i heard you the first time. i asked you why." something about his tone tells you that he isn't gonna believe whatever you're gonna say next. "my car.. is in the workshop. i left it there this morning for servicing and i was too tired to go get it in the evening. so i have no vehicle."

you hear him laugh, you hope he believes you by some miracle, "sweetheart that's one of the dumbest excuse i've hear come out of your mouth." you bite your lower lip, thinking of what to say next, but he continues, "but even if that is true, don't worry i can come pick you up."

"suguru even if the car part is not true, i really am tired and don't wanna get ready right now." it is almost seven, not so late for a party, but still late for you, who got home less than hour ago.

"woah what happened to the girl that was always down for drinks?" he chuckles lowly and you do too after hearing him, "i'm not nineteen anymore suguru."

"you know what i'm gonna have shoko drag you there. so i'll see you in a bit." you almost think he's joking, but you know he's not when you hear him speak again, "if you're thinking i'm joking, i'm not baby."

you groan, "jeez you're so damn stubborn. don't bother shoko, i'll surprise her myself there. and come pick me up in an hour." he lets out an amused chuckle, "of course y/n, i'll be there in a bit."

you hang up the call then get up from the couch, putting your phone on charge, you quickly start getting ready.

an hour and twenty minutes later, you are with geto suguru, at his best friend's birthday party. you look at him besides you, "i don't really feel so good about this."

he laughs, finding you actually coming to gojo's party really amusing, "oh baby, i do though. i can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you."

you grab his arm before he takes another step, "what the fuck? he doesn't know i'm gonna be here?" he looks at you with that fake innocent smile on his face, "didn't i tell you?" you scoff, knitting your brows together at him while he just smiles, not looking away from you, "i don't understand why you're so tempted to ignore him. but you know that he would love to see you again."

"you know damn well i was avoiding him suguru." you sigh and feel him put his arms around you, "you worry too much y/n. come on, if it feels too much, i'll take you back home, yeah?"

you smile at him, nodding your head as he takes your hand, guiding you through the crowd and to the bar, where shoko would always be. "guess who i have with me tonight?"

without looking at him, she replies, "probably one of your girls." ;)

"you wound me, babe." she turns her body back as soon as she hears your voice, face full of shock, "y/n? oh my god how did he bring you?" geto lets out a scoff, "why wouldn't she come with me?" but ignoring him, she comes and gives you a tight hug.

"gosh i missed you so much." she mumbles, not letting you go. you feel nice knowing that you still have your friends who actually care for you. "yeah? i missed you too baby."

geto lets you two have your moment while he orders a drink for himself and you. shoko lets go of you, making you seat in on of the high stools besides geto and sits next to you.

geto puts your drink in front of you, "drink up y/n, you finally are out with us again after forever." you chuckle at his words and thank him. "girl you really need to get out of your house more. everyone misses you." you take a sip of your drink knowing that gojo also comes under her everyone.

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