-aroma- nanami kento

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pov: you're the bakery girl ;)

i remember this was requested long time ago and i got the motivation now to make it so enjoy!

your bakery has been getting quite a lot of attention lately, causing you to having to work overtime. you don't really mind it though, you've chosen this career because you enjoy baking and having extra load of work isn't an excuse to not work.

it is five in the morning and you're already in your bakery to start your day. you are in the back space of the bakery where all the baking takes place. you first make a sandwich for you boyfriend for his lunch. you wrap it in silver paper and put it aside and finally get started on your work.

you take the cookie dough from the fridge along with the trays. you set them in the counter, taking out the small weighing machine to measure the dough, rolling them between your palms to make them a circle and placing then in the tray with some distance between the each of them.

almost an hour later, you've popped all the dough in the oven and now are starting to work on the cakes you have to get ready for delivery today. you bring out the batches of sponge cakes out the fridge that you baked yesterday evening.

you check your phone to look at the details of the orders before working with the buttercream. you're deep focused on your work that you don't notice another presence in the room. causing you to startle when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

you jump a little as you turn your head back to see nanami, "gosh you scared me." he chuckles, tightening his hold around you, "sorry, you looked really pretty when concentrating like that." he kisses your cheeks before letting go of you.

"i'm gonna restock the items in the shop." you smile as you nod at him, "thank you." he pats you on the top of your head and walks to the front, starting to get the bakery ready for opening.

another hour later, nanami has opened the shop while you're almost done with the cakes for the day. you sprinkle some edible glitter in the cakes and let out a long breath, "finally.." you mumble and put the cake back in the freezer. 

"i brought you coffee, darling." nanami comes in with two cups in each of his hands. he hands one of the to you and places his own cup on the side of the counter, "have i told you that i'm so proud of you?"

he says out of blue and you tilt your head with a smile, "not today." you take a sip of your coffee and place you cup on the side, before moving close to nanami. 

"no matter how much i say it, it's never enough. you really put effort and some more extra effort in your work and it never fails to amaze me. it was hard for you in the beginning, i know but you've come a long way and i'm really proud of you."

you giggle, wrapping your arms around his waist, "aw thank you kento, really. for always being there for me."

he holds you jaw in one hand and brings his lips on your. you smile as you kiss him back. slow and full of love. 

until.. the door opens with a loud voice, "y/n, i'm so sorry i'm late." you quickly pull away from your boyfriend. one of your staffs, just came in and looks between you and nanami, looking sorry for disturbing your moment, "i'm sorry.."

you chuckle, "it's.. fine." she quickly puts her stuffs on the little table, before walking towards the door that connects to the bakery, "don't worry i'm on the counter."

you look at nanami after she's gone and pull him in a hug, "i'm sorry about her." he chuckles, "i'm gonna get used to having loud people around." you chuckle, pulling away from him. he clears his throat, "well y/n i have to go get ready for my work. i'll see you in the evening."

"uh huh, see you later. have a great day." he kisses you one last time before heading out for your shared apartment to get ready.

mm.. nice ways to start your morning.

pls i started this with one thing in mind and idk what happened to it 

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