-a kiss or two- itadori yuuji

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NOTE: In this story, both y/n and Itadori are normal high school students. Enjoy!

You sat in the classroom as you listened to the teacher giving her lecture but not actually understanding it. And every day you had different reasons for it; but for a couple of months now, the only reason distracting you would be Itadori Yuuji, the boy you fell for unconditionally. You had been in the same class with him for last few years but it was just recently that you found out that you actually like him.

At first you thought you liked him as a friend; since he was very kind and friendly with you... and well everyone. But with the passing with time you realized it wasn't you liking him just as a friend but as a guy. Even after you were sure that you like him as a guy, you didn't think that like would turn into love.

You wanted to tell him about your feeling but you didn't want to ruin or make things weird between the two of you. Like of course you would rather stay just friends then confess and ruin that friendship that you already had. But now a day, it was being difficult to just stay as friends; with him being extra sweet and friendly around you. You had been having thoughts if he actually liked you as well... but you didn't want to have any high hopes and end up breaking your heart even more.

Finally, you snapped out of your thoughts as your best friend smacked your head. 

"What the hell?" You groan as you rub your head, the part where she smacked you.

"What were you thinking about?" and before even waiting for your response, "It was Itadori right?"

You quickly stand up and pack your bag as you replied, "Don't be so loud when you talk and also don't ask when you already know the answer." You throw your pencil case inside your bag and zip it as you and your best friend walked of of the class together.

"Just confess already" And stop being so dense, idiot.

"If only I had the courage." You slowed your pace as you let out a sigh where as your best friend looked at you and let out a sigh.

You were on the rooftop, enjoying the air instead being in the Math class. You had a Math test today and your pretty stupid best friend pretended to be sick and went home because of it. And you didn't want to fail alone so now you ditched the class. You rested your back on the wall behind you as you looked at the sky without any actual thoughts. Just then you heard the door to the rooftop open. You just stood there, hundred of excuses already running inside your head to use if it's a teacher. 

"Y/N?" On hearing the stupidly familiar voice, you quickly turn to the direction.

"What are you doing here Itadori?" 

"Nothing... just was feeling too lazy to give the test." He went and sat on the floor resting his back on the wall behind. "What about you?" He pats next to where he was sitting, signaling you to sit down.

"Hmm... somewhat the similar reason" You slowly walk up to him and sit besides him, leaving some space between the two of you. The two of you sit there, without talking and enjoying the blue sky. 

Well... not really. You were in a state where you could lose you mind any second. You could literally feel your heart beat right now. You take a look at Itadori's face, and O GOD he was looking so beautiful even when just looking up in the sky. There was a slow wind, that moved his hair, making it look so soft. 

"How long do you want to look at my face?" And that's when you realize that you have been staring at his face for long enough. Embarrassed, you turn your face away from him and hear him giggle softly. At this point, you just wanted to jump from there and kill yourself. But, his little giggle was so cute that you could have even died from it. 

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