Chapter 50

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"No! Guards! Seize her!" Fairy Godmother responded, putting her wand up in the air. Uma ran over to the railings of the ship, and looked down at the ocean.

"Please! Stop!" Mal exclaimed at Ursula's daughter. The girl looked back at Mal, and leaned her body on the back of the railing. Mal and Ben tried to contain people from charging towards the girl. "Uma, I know you."

"It's shrimpy!" Teagan stated, a little bit too loudly, which ended in her getting looks from everyone, and she saw Uma glaring at her. "I would love to see you try to fight me. You would lose in a second, hunny."

Mal looked back towards Uma, and put her hand out towards her, "You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there," she looked back at Teagan, "And most of the time Teagan is still there... "

"You're right."

Mal shook her head and tried to continue her speech, "Don't let your pride get in the way of something that you really want."

She kept her hand out to try and get Uma to get away from the railing, but her shell necklace, the one the Ursula wears in the Little Mermaid, started glowing.

Mal inched closer to her frenemy, but Uma pushed herself up onto the railing and jumped overboard. Everyone ran to the railing and looked at the ocean. The only thing they could see was Uma's necklace glowing in the water.

But, after a minute, the ocean created a waterspout, and Uma, now an octopus, splashed down into the water- making the ship flood with water.

Everyone backed away and started screaming. Jay was protecting Teagan from whatever he could, which made Teagan feel loved.

Then everyone ran back over to the railing of the ship and watched as the octopus fell back into the water.

"True love's kiss won't defeat this." Uma stated to the kids.

Teagan looked back at her father and she noticed how he was holding himself back from doing something about Uma.

She looked back at Jay and rubbed his bicep, making him turn to face her, "I have to go talk to my dad. I wanted to tell you just in case you would be worried about me or something."

"Thank you for telling me." He responded, he looked at her with so much love, and she didn't know what to do with it. She didn't want him to fall into the dark hole, she fell into it, but she had to realize that Jay loved that side of her too. He loves everything about her, and that's why he will never be James.

She was so into her head that she didn't see that Uma was using one of her tentacles to attack the people on the ship; Teagan was the one person that got slapped in the face with a tentacle.

Teagan rubbed her face where she got slapped and huffed, "Why did I have to get slapped by the bitch? Actually, don't answer that.. I probably deserved it."

Jay stood there laughing and she glared at him.

"I'm sorry, Teag..." Jay started.

"Yeah, I know, me getting slapped in the face is so fucking hilarious." She responded. She looked over at Mal, and saw that she was being surrounded by purple smoke. Teagan pointed at their friend, "When did she learn to do that?"

"I don't know, but go see your dad. We got this handled." Jay stated, kissing her on the cheek.

"I never knew that violence could potentially lead to romance... I should remember this for the future." They heard Ben yell and they watched as the King jumped into the ocean. "Yeah, I'm going to go talk to my dad now. Good luck."

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