Chapter 39

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Teagan had gotten ready to go to her parents house, and she grabbed her phone, and room key before teleporting to the house.

Rumpelstiltskin has been waiting for his daughter to appear, and stood there with a gift for his daughter in his hands. She appeared in her black smoke and was immediately embraced by Rumple and Belle, and it felt like they were saying goodbye to her or something, which was starting to scare Teagan.

"I was here the other day... Why are you guys hugging me like that?" Teagan questioned, and Belle lifted up her arm to show her the video. "Oh.. You guys saw that? I thought that you guys didn't check up on me."

"Teag.." Rumpelstiltskin stated as he held onto his daughter's hands, "You know that I trust you to come to us when you're in trouble, and you usually do, but I have never heard you talk about a toxic relationship.. We're worried that you're getting yourself into another bad relationship, and we want to help you get out of it."

Teagan hugged her parents once more, and she has never been more happy. She forgot how amazing it was to have people who care about her in her life. She took herself out of the hug, and looked at them, "You don't have to worry about me being in a bad relationship. I used to be in a toxic relationship with Jay on the Isle, but I don't think it'll be like that again. At least I hope it won't, and I was talking about James and this guy named Harry."

"What happened with James and Harry?" Belle questioned.

"James turned into an asshole and Harry was someone who hurt me on the Isle, and I don't really want to talk about what happened." Teagan responded. She saw her father's expression change, and she quickly tried calming him down, "He isn't going to hurt me anymore, father. I have grown a lot since then and I have become a lot more powerful, so there's no way that he could ever try to ra-" she stopped herself and watched her father get angrier.

"He tried to what now?" He asked. "I don't care if he's on the Isle.. I will go there and kill him myself."

"Father," Teagan started, "You can't do that.. You will end up being put onto the Isle, and I can't bear to lose you again.. Just trust me that I handled it."

"Well, if I ever come face to face with him.. Can I punch him?"

"If you won't, I will." Teagan smirked.

Rumple smiled and put his hand on her face and used his thumb to rub her cheek, "I am so glad that you found me, and I get to see the amazing girl you become," he looked over at Belle, "And I am glad that I get to share this all with you, Belle."

"Who would have thought that two of the most feared villains can become decent people." Teagan laughed. "Well, actually... I can still be hella scary if I want to be."

"You're definitely more scary and mean than I ever was." Rumpelstiltskin said.

"I don't know, Rumple. You've had plenty of scary moments when we first met." Belle replied.

"Has he ever threatened that he would turn your organs into jewelry? Because I just yelled that at James earlier today." Teagan stated.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I was once in love with him, and I thought that I knew him, but his personality has changed entirely, and now his wife is leaving him, because he kissed me."

"He kissed you while he's married?" Belle questioned. Teagan nodded her head, and she just sighed, "What was he thinking? I can understand you threatening him now.. But why the organs?"

"I don't know.. It was the first thing that came to my mind." Teagan commented. "Yes, I know that's a sick thing to think of, and I know that I should probably be in therapy, but that's just how I have always been."

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