Chapter 11

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"I love you." James blurted out. Teagan stood there not being able to say a thing.

"You what now?" Teagan questioned. When he repeated himself, she just pinched her arm. "Am I still asleep, or did you really just say that?"

"Come on now, Teag. You seriously had no idea?"

"Give me one second." Teagan responded. She closed the door slowly and looked at her friends who were surprised. "Did he really just say that?"

"He did." Mal stated. "But hey, Ben told me the exact same thing. Well, he said it right when we gave him the cookie. I don't know why James waited so long to tell you that. Just don't take it seriously, T, he doesn't know what he's saying."

"I think he really means it." Evie responded. "Just go walk to Goodness class with him, and he'll explain everything."

"Right." Teagan said. She grabbed her backpack and opened the door. James was leaning up against one of the walls waiting. "I have to go to Goodness Class and I guess I can walk with you."

"Well, as long as you consent to me taking you to class then alright." James laughed. "Sorry was it wrong of me to make a joke at this time."

"No, it's alright." Teagan replied. She closed the door behind her and followed James. "I'm sorry that I got so mad at you at your dad's place. Just people getting possessive/ bossy brings me back to when I was on the Isle, so I guess that I didn't take it very well, and that wasn't fair to you."

"I probably shouldn't have said it and I don't know what came over me, and I'm truly sorry for that." James responded. "But I also wanted to tell you that what I said back there was true; I do love you." Teagan stopped walking and just stared at him. "You don't have to say it back right away. I totally get that you have trust issues and so do I. That's why I continued dating Sierra. It was a safe relationship and I knew that I could never love her, but when you came to Auradon... I knew that me and her were going to be over."

"This is too much, James." Teagan commented. "And by the way I told Elsa to come today. I might have lied to her so she comes a day early, and so you can have some time with her."

"That's just great because I told my dad to come a day early as well. Just because I knew that he would be late..."

"Well, hopefully you can be reunited with both of your parents for Family Day." Teagan smiled. She looked back at the classroom and looked back at James, "I have to get in there, but I will see you later, right?"

"Yes." James smiled in return. "I'll see you in art class to present our painting to the class. I'll have to leave early because I told Ben that I will help him set up for tomorrow, and then I will be meeting my parents, so maybe we can meet up for that?"

"Sounds good." James leaned in and pecked her lips, and then walked away. "See you soon."


Teagan walked into the room and none of her friends had arrived yet, so she walked over to her seat and sat down.

A second later, Fairy Godmother walked into the room and saw that Teagan was sitting there, and she sat her stuff down ,and sat in the seat in front of the girl.

Teagan stared at the woman and after a second, just asked, "Is there a reason why you are just staring at me?"

"Many people have shown me the video of you and James Frost kissing on the field." Fairy Godmother responded.

"Okay? Is something wrong with that?" Teagan questioned, but when she finally realized what she was referring to, she said, "ahh."

"Do you have magic, Miss. Teagan?" Fairy Godmother questioned. Teagan nodded her head. "So, when you've told the King that you weren't related to-" She paused. "Oh, bippity-boppity."

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