Chapter 40

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"Well, we'll make sure that everything will work out with Jay." Evie smiled. "You two were meant to be from the start."

Teagan returned the smile, "I just hope that it ends up being that way, and I won't end up getting hurt.."

"You can't protect your heart forever." Evie responded. "Now, I'm going to go and grab the clothes."

"Alright." Teagan stated as she closed her eyes and teleported herself in front of the boys room. She knocked on the door and stood there awkwardly as she waited for someone to answer.

She took a deep breath as she noticed the door slowly opening. Jay smiled immediately after seeing Teagan there.

"I thought we were meeting up later." Jay stated. He noticed that Teagan was frowning and became instantly concerned. "Is everything okay? Did James say something to you again?"

Teagan shook her head, "Can I come in? This is a conversation that can't be heard by anyone."

Jay nodded his head and opened the door wider so that Teagan could enter the room. When she did, Carlos was intrigued and walked closer to his friends, she took a deep breath in, and said, "Mal went back to the Isle."

"She did what?!" Carlos exclaimed. "We have to go get her."

"That's why I'm here." Teagan replied. "Change clothes, boys.. Looks like we're going back to the Isle," she was about to leave but she turned back to them, "Meet us in the front of the school, okay?"

"Got it." Jay smiled.


Teagan had teleported back to grab her Isle outfit, and she had written a note to Emma, so she didn't freak out.

She went through her closet and found her gray crop top, leather jacket, black jeans and black boots. Teagan quickly put them on and ran out the door, and headed towards the front of the school, but she was looking and collided with someone and fell to the ground.

Teagan rubbed her forehead and sat up. She saw James sitting right across from her, and glared at him. James got off of the ground and put his hand out to help her, but she slapped his hand and helped herself up.

"Where are you going?" James questioned, he looked her up and down and raised his eyebrows, "And why are you wearing that?"

"It's really none of your business. Now either you move out of my way, or I push you into a wall."

"I just wanted to come and tell you that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up at you like that." James responded. He moved closer to Teagan and put his hand over top of hers. "I didn't belong with Sierra, but I do belong with you, and you know that."

"I used to believe that." Teagan stated. "But ever since I came back... You've finally let me see your true colors, and you don't deserve to have a second chance with me. I have to go."

Teagan started to walk away, but James grabbed her arm, and pulled her close to him. He put his lips near her ear, "You will regret not getting back together with me."

"No, I'm pretty sure I won't." Teagan replied. She got her arm out of his grasp and pinned him to the wall, "And if you ever grab me like that again... I won't hesitate to detach your arms from your body."

"Is that a threat."

"It can be." Teagan stated. "But you won't tell anyone, because you know that I will hunt you down and tear you apart." She moved herself away from James, and started walking away.

"Why didn't I use magic?" She asked herself.


Teagan arrived at the front of the school, and the rest of her friends were standing there next to the limo.

Jay was the first to notice that she was there, and smiled, "What took you so long?"

"I ran into some problems but it's all okay now. So, do we know where we're parking this big ass thing?" Teagan questioned. They all nodded their heads, and she responded with also nodding.

She looked at Ben's jacket and noticed his family's crest, and looked over at Evie in confusion, "E? Why in the world would you put his family crest on his jacket? Won't people recognize it?"

"Let's not criticize my art and let's just go and get Mal." Evie replied.

"Shotgun!" Dude, Carlos' dog, exclaimed. They all looked back at the dog and then back at Carlos.

"Huh... A talking dog is not something you see everyday." Teagan responded as she got into the front seat of the car. She waited for the rest of her friends to join her in the car.

"I love being the only person who goes into the car." She stated to herself.

It took her friends another two minutes to join her in the limo. Jay sat in the driver's seat, which was next to her, and Carlos, Jay and Evie sat in the back seat.

"I never thought that I would go back." Teagan stated as she buckled her seat belt. "I hope that I don't see...."

Jay put his hand on top of Teagan's and told her, "We won't let him hurt you again, and you're so much stronger now. You can handle yourself when it comes to him now."

"I hope so." Teagan stated to herself.

"I knew that Mal was struggling, but I never thought that she would ever go back to the Isle." Teagan said.

"I don't think any of us thought that she would, but it does make sense. She did always talk about what she would do if she was on the Isle." Jay replied. "But we will get her back, and when we do... I want to talk to you about us."

"What about us?" She questioned.

"About how we feel." 


AN: Sorry about not posting! I was sick and finals are kicking my ass at the moment... 

Question: Are you team Jay? 

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