Chapter 35

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"Please don't do anything, Carlos!" Teagan screamed to her friend, but he didn't seem to hear her, because Carlos punched James, making him fall to the ground. "Oh my god." Teagan ran even faster towards Carlos and tried pulling him off of James. "CARLOS! He isn't worth going back to the Isle for."

With hearing that, Carlos got off of James, and Teagan looked at James' now black eye and probably bruised ego, and said, "I can't believe you."

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything! Carlos went crazy and punched ME!" James responded. "He should be punished for this," he pointed to his face.

"He was protecting me, James, and if you can get your head out of your ass you would see that." She stated. "I was crying because of YOU. Everything that happened before I left was because of YOU. I don't know what happened to you, but I know that the James that I met would have never married Sierra."

"I didn't think you'd be back."

"So you decided to tie the knot with someone who you hate? Yeah, James, that makes a whole lot of sense." Teagan sarcastically stated. "If any part of you still cares about me... Don't turn Carlos in."

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know. I was hoping that you weren't a complete asshole, but looks like I was wrong," she looked back at her friends, "I tend to be wrong about James a lot. Don't you guys think?"

"You need to stop thinking that he's the person you once loved. He clearly has fallen far from who he used to be. You deserve better than him." Jay commented.

"And you think she'd pick you?" James questioned. "You two may have had a relationship once, but-"

"Shut the fuck up, James. Who I choose to be with is going to be my choice." Teagan replied. "And right now I would choose Jay over you any day."

Teagan turned around and Jay put his arm around her back, and she held onto Carlos' hand as they walked away.

"James! What happened to your face?" Sierra questioned, finally joining him after practicing with the cheerleaders.

"It's nothing." James responded, still looking at Teagan and her friends, "I totally deserved getting punched, so don't make a huge deal about it."

"Don't make a huge-" Sierra stopped when she saw how serious his face looked, and sighed. "This better not happen again."

"It won't."


"So, where is your father?" Jay questioned once they got far away from James and Sierra.

"He's currently with Ben looking at houses, so I have to get back to make sure that they're all okay."

"Oh, we'll let you go then." Carlos smiled. "We're so happy that you're back."

Teagan returned the smile and gave them both a hug, but she looked back at Carlos and told him, "Thank you for punching James for me. He's the one person that I will always care for, but I am sick and tired of him playing with my emotions."

"You know we'll do anything for you." Jay smiled.

Teagan returned the smile and stared at Jay to reply with, "I know, and I will do the same for you."

Teagan then teleported out of there, and Carlos and Jay were left standing there. Carlos smirked at his friend and then laughed.

"Man, you're whipped." Carlos laughed through the sentence. "But do you think that she'd ever risk becoming your boyfriend again? You two were extremely toxic together."

"That doesn't mean that we wouldn't be great together now." Jay responded. "And I don't think the feelings we had-"

"The same feelings that she has for James?" Carlos questioned. "Jay, she's still hung up on James for some reason, and you need to give her space to heal."
"I'll give her all the time she needs. I still love her, Carlos."

"I know."


Teagan teleported to the castle and she was just in time because her dad and Belle just came back.

"You can't be teleporting around here, Rumpelstiltskin." Ben stated. "In Auradon we don't really like using dark magic." 

"Hi, father and Belle." Teagan smiled.

"How did you get here?"

"Magic." Teagan laughed. "Hey, at least I didn't lie to you," she paused, "So, did you guys find a place?"

"Yes, Teag." Rumpelstiltskin smiled. "It's also really close to your school so you can come and visit whenever!"

"That's great, father." She responded. "So, when is it going to be ready?"

"In a week. We just have to clean it and make sure it's all ready for you two to move in." Ben stated. He looked back at Lumiere and he was nodding his head, "Okay, well, I have to go. It was nice to meet you two, and I'm glad you're back Teagan. I'll speak to Fairy Godmother and get you enrolled for next semester."

"Thank you, Ben." Teagan replied.

"I think this was a great plan moving here, Teag." Rumple stated to his daughter. "You seem happy."

"I love it here." Belle commented. "The view from our house is amazing. I don't understand how you could ever leave this place."

"It didn't seem like home without my family." Teagan smiled. "But now we're together and everything seems like it'll be okay."

~A few months later~

Teagan spent her summer hanging out with her friends and family. She did her best to avoid James and Sierra, but went to Tourney practices... She couldn't avoid him forever sadly.

Her father and Belle ended up getting the house, and now Teagan goes home every weekend to spend time with them. Rumple and Teagan are both getting stronger with their powers, and they've learned to be more subtle with their spells, because they didn't want to be seen as a threat.

Now, Jay and Teagan have gone on a few "double dates" with Mal and Ben because Mal has asked a few times if Teagan could join them; Jay was secretly extremely happy that Teagan asked him to go with her. He believes that this could lead to a relationship, but he obviously wouldn't tell Teagan that.

Oh, and Teagan was allowed back into Auradon Prep but she had to move rooms since Evie had moved her dress making business into their room.


"Teag." Emma, the daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert- she's Teagan's new roommate. "I had a weird encounter with James when I went to get breakfast this morning."

"Like me accidentally calling him babe in front of Sierra weird?" Teagan questioned, finishing getting her homework all together.

"No... He told me that he's breaking up Sierra to get back together with you." 


AN: Yeah.. Sorry about all these cliffhangers... I hope you all liked this chapter! 

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