Chapter 4

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"Sierra told us some scary stuff about you, Teagan." Carlos stated, "You need to answer one simple question: who are you?"

Teagan looked at each of her friends. She looked over at Evie who just gestured for her to finally tell them who she was.

"We don't have all night, Teag." Jay said after a minute of Teagan not responding.

Evie looked over at Jay and slapped his arm. She looked at all of the VK's and said, "Give Teagan a minute. This is really hard for her."

"Do you know, E?" Mal questioned the blue hair girl.

"That's not important here guys. This about Teagan and finally being able to tell you guys about her life. You know what she went through on the Isle," Evie paused, "knowing what Harry had done to her... I don't blame her for only telling me, so stop being mean to her."
Evie looked over at Teagan and smiled.

"So, I arrived here in Auradon about sixteen years ago." Teagan started. "I was teleported here from the Enchanted Forest, which is just another realm in the world. The time works very differently here than there..." Teagan paused for a moment, "I was taken away from my father, and that's the big reason for me coming here; not for the stupid wand; or taking over the kingdom. I just want to be reunited with my father again."

"Who is your father?" Carlos asked.

"That's a story for another day." Teagan responded. "Can we just focus on finding the wand, right now?"

"Yeah, let's go back to the boys' room." Mal stated. She looked over at Teagan and patted her on the back, "Thank you for telling us."

"So, Shan Yu isn't related to you at all?" Jay questioned. This time Teagan walked over to him and slapped him upside the head. "That's a no?"

"Yeah." Teagan responded with a 'huh-uh' tone in her voice. "I'll meet you guys over there in a minute."

Evie looked back at her friend with a concerned look on her face, "Hey, are you okay?" Evie looked at the way Teagan was acting- which was nervous- and nodded her head. "You're going to try again, aren't you?"

"I have to. I have my full power now that I'm not in that stupid barrier." Teagan stated. "Just tell them that I have finished doing something, and I will be ten minutes."

"Fine, but if you're not there in ten minutes-" 

"-I know. Thank you, E." Teagan smiled.


Teagan sat down on the ground and looked into the mirror. She remembered her father teaching her this spell, and she had tried it every day on the Isle, but it never worked. This time she was determined: She was going to talk to her father.

Teagan put both of her hands on the mirror and looked in it. She watched as her hands started having green surround them.

"Please. Please work." Teagan stated over and over again. After a few minutes of doing that; Teagan took her hands off of the mirror and put them around her knees as she cried.

"Teag?" She heard faintly coming from the mirror. She looked up and saw her father in the mirror.


"Teagan?" He repeated himself in a more surprised tone. It looked like he moved closer to the mirror to make sure he wasn't seeing things, but Teagan wasn't sure. "How- how are you here?" 

"The Blue Fairy took me away from you." Teagan stated. "She brought me to this shitland. I want to be back with you, daddy."

"Where are you?"

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