Chapter 30

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"You're scared that she wouldn't want to be with you if you give these back to her." Teagan stated.

"How can I not be scared?" Mr. Gold questioned. "I was never very good to her to begin with and now she has no memories, and she doesn't even realize that I am horrible for her."

"You're not horrible for her, father! You make mistakes but you don't deserve to be alone for all of your life. You need to allow yourself to be happy, and being happy with your powers doesn't count."

"Who knows that you would grow up to be super intelligent." He laughed and that made her slap him on the arm. "So, are we ready to go get Belle?"

"I'm following you." She responded. "Just so you know, if she doesn't remember you.. We will go with plan b: shock her into remembering. It has to be in there somewhere."

"We will not be doing that. Why would you even suggest that?"

"To get a reaction out of you," she laughed, "Belle was like a mother I never got to have. I would love for her to join us. Plus, I remember how you were when she 'died'. You were ruthless."

"How did you find out that she was alive? When I told you I wanted to get her back, you didn't even question it."

"Before I left the Enchanted Forest, I ran into Regina, and she told me about it because she knew that I would get angry, and that was the whole reason why they banished me. I was too powerful."

"Yeah, well I was even worse when you were gone." Mr. Gold responded. He hugged his daughter but quickly pulled back, "We need to make sure that you're back for Bae, so let's get this show on the roll!"

"I never thought that I would ever hear you say that, and I don't know how I feel about it." Teagan stated.

"Just so you know.. The nurses don't exactly like me there... I always tended to make Belle have a mental breakdown every time I saw her."

"You know that I am always persuasive." Teagan smiled. She held out her hand, and her father took it in his, "I got your back."


They arrived at the hospital in purple smoke, and as it cleared, nurses surrounded the two of them.

"Mr. Gold, Belle has had a rough day, and she doesn't need you here to make it worse." One nurse stated.

Teagan saw that he was about to say something, but she shook her head at him, so he kept his mouth shut. She walked up to the nurse and stuck her hand in the lady's chest, and watched as the nyse cried out in pain.

Teagan brought her mouth up to the nurse's ear and told her, "See, I can take my hand out and your heart will be in my hands. Would you want that?" The lady shook her head violently, "Well, then I would recommend telling your friends to move out of our way or else you all will be on the floor without a heart, and I will be the one squeezing them until they are dust. Are we clear?"

The nurse nodded her head so Teagan took her hand out of the lady's chest, and watched as she told her friends to run, and that's what they did. Teagan walked back towards her father and locked arms with him, and they started walking towards Belle's room.

"What did you say to her? She looked like she was about to pee herself." Mr. Gold laughed. "You can be extremely scary when you want to be."

"Why thank you." Teagan responded as they arrived at Belle's door. She turned to her father and told him, "You can do this."

"No. No. I can't." Mr. Gold stated. "Can you do it for me? You're more powerful than I am and I would greatly appreciate it. Please, Teag."

Teagan looked in her father's eyes and this is one of the first times that he ever looked desperate. He needed Belle in his life because it was his last chance of being truly happy, and Teagan realized that he needed more than just her to stay in control.

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