Epilogue (part 2)

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Teagan got up from the bench and teleported to the church. As soon as she got to the church, she leaned up on a wall and just started crying..

Someone obviously heard her crying and came out of the church. It was Evie, and she noticed it was Teagan, and instantly hugged her.

"I'm guessing the proposal didn't go well?" Evie questioned Teagan, which only made Teagan push her off of her.

"You knew that he was proposing? Is that why you all were leaving me out of things?" Evie nodded her head, and Teagan just huffed in anger. "I can't believe this! You especially know my mental issues, and you still think it was a good idea to cut me out of everything? What were you all THINKING?"

At that moment, Mal ran out of the church, and looked over at Evie and she shook her head.

"You knew too?" Teagan asked Mal. "Who didn't know about Jay's plan?"

"Your sister Isabella..." Evie responded, trying to add a little humor but that obviously didn't work out in her favor. "Look, we didn't mean to do that to you. We were just trying to be there for Jay, and you saw how he was.... He was a complete disaster without you by his side. He was literally thinking of just blurting it out to you in a conversation, but we all thought that you deserved something memorable."

"I would have rather it have been blurted out than been ignored." Teagan stated. "I'm not mad at any of you, but I just don't want to be lied to anymore, okay?" She wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks, and quickly snapped her fingers to make sure that her makeup wasn't ruined. "I'm ready for pictures."

Teagan turned around and walked towards the doors while Mal and Evie stood there watching her.

"You know she's right." Evie commented. "We shouldn't have been leaving her out. That wasn't fair to her, and I never wanted to-"

"E, this is supposed to be a happy day! Let's just let Jay continue on with his plan. He has to go into plan B."

"How many plans does the man have?" The blue haired girl questioned. "Teagan doesn't seem to be a person who would forget things easily, and we know that she hates being ignored, and that's exactly what we all did."

"Teagan and Jay love each other and we just have to pray that it's enough." Mal stated, "Now, let's get our pictures taken before the ceremony starts."


They finally finished taking pictures, so the bridesmaids went into the back room, and Mal went out to do the first touch pictures with Ben.

Teagan was sitting down on one of the chairs, and just waited for someone to tell her when to walk down the aisle with Jay.

"Everyone has heard about you rejecting Jay." Uma stated as she sat down in the chair next to Teagan. "I understand being angry about being left out, but you love him."

Teagan looked over at Uma and exhaled, "I'm not angry that they left me out, but I thought that we were all past this and now I find out that they all purposely ignored me."

"Jay knows what all you went through on the Isle.. He just wanted to do something nice for you, and he didn't want to accidentally ruin the surprise."

Teagan sighed, "I know.. I guess I just always find a way to push someone away," she slammed her hands on her thighs, "I can't believe that I ever said 'I need time to think about this'. I'm crazy."

"I would suggest that you wait until tomorrow to tell him."


"Because this is Mal and Ben's day." Uma stated. "So, you probably should pretend to still be mad at him."

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