Chapter 33

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"Are you two ready to go to Auradon?" Teagan questioned, holding up a magic bean, and gave them a smile.

Mr. Gold and Belle both picked up their suitcases, and nodded their heads. Teagan's smile widened and threw the magic bean onto the floor. A portal opened and her dad held onto her hand as all three of them jumped in.

Teagan was excited to finally see her friends again, and to finally feel like she was home. Apparently she only needed her father to have that feeling again.


The three of them fell out of the portal onto the ground. They all moaned in pain, but after a second, Teagan stood up and looked at the kingdom that she missed so much.

She looked back at her family and smiled, "Are you two ready to meet the new King of Auradon?" Teagan questioned, with a lot of excitement in her voice.

"We'll follow you." Mr. Gold responded as he attempted to get off of the ground- with a little help from Belle.

"This kingdom is beautiful." Belle stated once she finished helping Teagan's father off of the ground. "How come we never knew this existed?"

"Well, my father and I would have been on the Isle of the Lost," Teagan pointed to the island that was across the ocean, "And you would have been here in Auradon. Plus this kingdom doesn't really love strangers coming here."

"Then why in the world are we here? Shouldn't we-"

"But the new King is better than the old one. "Teagan responded. "Ben is the one who helped me get to you, father. He's one of the good ones."

"Let's go meet him then!" Mr. Gold exclaimed.


Teagan smiled as they walked into the castle. She walked up to Lumiere and tapped him on the shoulder. The man jumped but as soon as he saw Teagan, he smiled and gave her a hug.

"HIs majesty will be thrilled that you're here!" Lumiere exclaimed. "I'll let him know to come out here."

"Thank you, Lumiere." Teagan responded. She turned to face her family, and her father raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know that you were so popular here." He commented.

"It wasn't always like this." Teagan replied. "I was very much hated before I left for Storybrooke."

Teagan then turned around and that's when she saw Ben walking towards them, and they both were smiling. She hugged him immediately, and he hugged her back.

"I didn't think you were coming back." Ben stated.

"Eh, well, I know where I belong now." Teagan responded as she released him from the hug. "Plus, I brought my family with me."

"That's great!" Ben exclaimed. He held his hand out for Belle and Mr. Gold to shake, which they both did.

"This is my father, Rumpelstiltskin, and his girlfriend, Belle." She told the King. "Yes, I do realize that it's awkward that there will be two Belle's in this world.."

"What do you mean two Belles?" Belle questioned.

"Well, the Belle from this world is his mother and married the Beast, aka Adam," Teagan pointed to Ben. "And in our world you don't have a child, and you're with my father- who is technically the 'beast' in that world."


"It's confusing, I know, but you'll figure it all out soon." Teagan smiled. "So," she turned to her friend, "could you possibly help them find a place to live? I have to go say hi to a few people."

"Of course." Ben responded with the same smile. "We're glad you're back, Teagan. It hasn't been the same without you, and I know there's someone who hasn't been the same since you left."

"Who?" Her father questioned.


"Where is he? I will break him."

"Don't worry, I will break him for you, but you can't hurt anyone or else you could go to the Isle, and I can't lose you again." Teagan said. "But everyone expects it from me, so..."

"You made quite an impression on these people. I'm proud of you, Teag." Mr. Gold smiled at his daughter. He turned to her friend and stated, "We're ready whenever you are, your majesty."

Teagan laughed at her father and started walking away while stating, "I'll check up on you later, father. Good luck!" 

"I'll need it."

"Wasn't talking to you, father. Good luck, Ben." She heard her father laughing so she stopped walking and turned around to see that they were gone. Teagan shook her head, and started walking out, but she bumped into someone, and fell to the ground. "Fuck."

"I'm so sorry." She knew that voice anywhere and she sighed as she got up, and saw James standing there, shocked. "Teagan? What are you doing here?"

"I'm back." Teagan responded. "Now, I have people to see, so..." She tried walking away, but James blocked the exit. "Get out of my way, James. I'm not in the mood for your games."

"I thought you were going to visit your dad?"

"And I did." Teagan replied. "Now, either I break one of your bones now, or you can wait for my father and he can break all of your bones. Your choice."

"You're different."

"No.. I'm just done with dealing with your bullshit. There's a difference." Teagan stated as she walked out of the castle, and towards the school.


Teagan arrived at her old dorm room, and took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. She heard the two familiar voices and started tearing up, but she completely broke down when she saw Evie open the door.

"T," Evie whispered, starting to tear up, she brought her friend into a hug, and started bailing into her shoulder, "I thought you were dead. You worried me."

"Did you say.." Mal started but when she saw Teagan, she immediately joined in the hug. "I thought you wanted to be with your dad?"

"I actually brought him here with me." Teagan responded while still being in a group hug. "Him and his girlfriend, Belle are here in Auradon."

"But isn't your father technically a-" Mal started but Teagan pushed them both into their room. "Villain?"

"Yes, but I don't want anyone else to know that. I wouldn't be able to handle him leaving me. You guys can't say anything. Promise me."

"I promise." They replied in unison.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about James saying something?" Evie questioned. "He's changed a lot since you left, and I mean-"

"He's now married to Sierra." Mal blurted out.


Question: What do you guys think about James marrying Sierra? 

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