Chapter 17

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Teagan stood there next to Evie and Jay, and they watched Ben walk down the aisle getting closer to where Fairy Godmother was standing.

Evie seemed to be more freaked out about what they were going to be doing, so Teagan did what a good friend would do, and held her hand.


Mal walked over to her place closest to where the magic wand would be held. She took a deep breath as she saw James walk into the church with Sierra on his arm.

She noticed that James was staring at her and she decided to try and ignore him, but it started getting annoying when she heard him and Sierra flirting.

Mal turned around quickly and said, "Just because Teagan said you could be together, doesn't mean you should be gloating about it. She doesn't deserve that and you know that, James."

"Mine and my boyfriends relationship has nothing to do with you, or your stupid friend." Sierra responded almost instantly.

"My friend isn't stupid." Mal stated as she turned back to the front of the church. She saw Teagan walking in with Fairy Godmother, and that relieved her. She turned back to James and said, "You don't go near her."

"She was the one who told me to be with someone else." James responded, making sure to say it quieter.

"Because you hurt her. Do you even realize how much she cares about you?"

"She doesn't care about me."

"Then you're even dumber than I realized." Mal stated, facing back to church. The choir started singing, and Ben entered.

"She didn't create the spell, did she?" James questioned, whispering in Teagan's ear. Mal didn't answer him, and that gave him what he needed.

He looked up at Teagan and he realized how different she looked. He didn't know what had happened to her in the last day, but he truly wanted to know.

How could he have messed up so badly, and how could he have gone to the Coronation with Sierra? He didn't love her?

Sierra noticed James looking off in the distance, and followed where he was looking, and saw Teagan standing there.

She was going to say something, but Ben had gotten to where they were standing, and she had to curtsey.

"Stupid, Teagan, messing with my mans feeling like that. She couldn't stay away for a second?" Sierra thought.


Teagan watched as Ben walked to the front of the church. He knelt down on the ground, and Fairy Godmother got her wand, and walked up to Ben.

Fairy Godmother questioned the soon to be King, "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

Ben responded, "I do solemnly swear.

She tapped the wand on both of his shoulders, "Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king."

Teagan gasped as she watched Fairy Godmother's daughter, Jane, take the magic wand out of her hand, and started messing around with it.

Teagan, Jay, Carlos, and Evie all ran down to the bottom, and ran over to Mal.

As Teagan thought about the villains invading Auradon. She realized something: Harry is a part of that. Will she have to see him again? Will she have to interact with him? Those thoughts were why she was starting to have a panic attack.

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