Chapter 22

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"See, this could have been avoided if you didn't question someone's disorder." Teagan responded. "And I wasn't going to kill you," she paused. She watched as Emma was breathing out in relief, so she took this as a que to continue, "I was going to watch you slowly die." Emma's eyes were wide open, and Teagan couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Your reaction to things are hilarious."

"You're messed up." Emma replied.

"I'm glad that we agree." Teagan smiled, "Look, my emotions tend to get out of control, and I try and hurt the first person I see. That's how all of my relationships always end up.. Well, destroyed," she looked down at Henry and rubbed his arm, "I'm sorry if I scared you, Henry. I hope you don't hate me."

"How could I hate you, Aunt Teagan." Henry was gently nudged by his mother, and he rolled his eyes, and turned to face his father. "Can we possibly go get something to eat?"

"Yooooo, yes, Henry! I am starving!" Teagan laughed. Everyone turned to stare at her and she smiled, "Why is everyone staring at me like that? Can't a girl be hungry?"

Mr. Gold smiled and put his hand on his daughters shoulder. He looked over at his son and tried smiling at him, but he just ended up ignoring him.

"Yes, let's go, kiddo." Baelfire stated. He looked over at Emma and the others, "Do you guys want to come too?"

"Yes." Emma said as she went to put on her leather jacket, and waited for the others to follow her.

"Way to ask us too, Emma." Teagan commented.

"You just said you were starving and I knew that wherever you go.. So does your father." Emma responded.

"Really?" Baelfire questioned his father. "Why are you always there for Teagan, but you were never there with me?"

"Let's not get into that conversation now, because- as you are very much aware- I'm starving, and I would appreciate some food in my stomach." Teagan commented. "So, let's go."

She grabbed her coat and followed after Emma, and she could hear everyone else following behind her.

Teagan looked down at the necklace her father gave her, and smiled. She was here to spend time with her father, not get in arguments with her brother, and his ex lover.


Teagan ended up walking next to Henry and Baelfire, and surprisingly they were all having a civil conversation. Baelfire walked awkwardly has he asked his son, "So, uh... You like pizza?"

"Yeah. Let me guess – you're going to tell me the best pizza's in New York, and I got to try it, right?" Henry responded with a little bit of sass- which Teagan appreciated.

"Actually, it's in the Kingdom of Damarian on the north shore of the Dragon Fields of Zorn," he paused and saw the looks that he was getting from Teagan and Henry, and he laughed, "Nah, it's in New York. Here, let's get you a slice."

"Am I allowed a slice or is it because I'm your sister that I don't get that luxury?" Teagan asked- somewhat joking.

"Of course you get a slice!" Baelfire exclaimed. "I want to work out all of our issues and just because I'm angry at papa doesn't mean that I should be taking it all out on you."

"Great because I truly never had a pizza that wasn't from Gaston's Tavern, and let me tell you: those pizza's had some funky stuff on them." Teagan laughed. "Once I got off of that island, I didn't really get to experience the real stuff!"

"Why were you eating at Gaston's Tavern?" Baelfire questioned, obviously confused, "I didn't think you ever met him."

"I did." Teagan stated. "Briefly with father. Didn't end well, but hey, that's a story for another time, and hopefully with a drink in my hand, because I haven't been able to drink in forever, and I really miss rum."

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