Chapter 10

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Teagan walked back to where the rest of the guardians were. James was sitting in a chair and when he saw Teagan, he grew this huge smile.

"This man is completely in love with you. Don't blow it." North whispered to Teagan. "If you hurt him-" 

"Thank you, North." Teagan laughed. "I will keep you in mind if I ever want to hurt him, which is not my intention."

She walked over to James and she got greeted by Bunny, "I have to admit I thought that you were extremely sketchy, but you are helping out our mate, which I greatly appreciate."

"I know what a distant father looks like and I just think that James deserves to have his father back." Teagan responded. "Now if you tell anyone that I did something nice... I will rip all of your organs out of your body," she smiled.

James laughed and whispered in her ear, "We have to start going if we want to make it back before curfew."


"I'll meet you outside." James smiled at Teagan. She nodded in response and started walking towards the front of the building. He watched as she was walking away. "What do you guys think about her? I want to know your opinion of her."

"I like her." North smiled and Sandy agreed with him- which he just crazily kept on nodding his head.

"I think she has a lot of baggage, but I think she's great for you." Tooth Fairy stated. "I don't know how you will get your father's opinion on this topic."

"I'll deal with my father, I just want to know your guy's opinion on her."

"I like her, mate." Bunny responded.

"Once I can become a guardian then I will bring her with me." James stated. "I mean she can stay here since she has that much magic. We can use someone like her."

"You do realize that she will have to say yes to this, right?" Tooth Fairy questioned. "She doesn't seem like someone who would appreciate you deciding things for her."

"Yeah, I don't like when people decide things for me." Teagan said, she was coming in to ask James a question, but she heard the whole conversation. "I don't want my life to be decided for me."

James put her fingers up and started to do air quotes, when he said, "Sure you do, Teagan."

"Why are you being a dick, right now?" Teagan questioned. James shrugged his shoulders and she huffed, "UGH! I thought that I finally found someone," her eyes started to water so she left the room before it turned into a full blown on cry.

James said goodbye to his family and ran after Teagan, but when he found her, she teleported away.

James put his weight against the wall and slid down. He put his knees close to his chest and started telling himself how stupid he was. He blew it.

"Hey, kid." Jack stated and sat down next to him. "The guardians told me what happened with Teagan, was it?"

"Yes, her name is Teagan and I don't know what came over me. I never once acted like that before and of course she had to hear it." James responded.

"Well, where is she?"

"She left." James stated. "She used her magic to teleport back to Auradon Prep. I think she's now mad at me."

"Don't you want to fight for her?"

"Just like you fought for mom?" James questioned. "Look, you don't have to come tomorrow. I know that you hate coming down there. I don't want to be an inconvenience for you."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you're never there for me." James responded. "Ever since mom left... It's like you just stopped being a dad and I never forgave you for that."

"Then why did you invite me to family day?"

"I want you there, dad, but I know that you won't show up." James looks down at his watch and starts to get up in a hurry. "If I am going to make it in time for curfew then I have to leave now. Goodbye, dad."

James then walked away, leaving Jack surprised. He heard a sound coming from down the hall and sighed, "You can come out now guys." The other guardians came out like they were in trouble. "Have I really been that crappy of a father?"

The guardians all nodded their heads and that made Jack really think about his life. He got up and smiled at his friends, "I think I'm going to go to Family Day. My son needs me and I think it's time that I start thinking about him and not about myself."

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Jack." Bunny smiled. "Plus he needs help with his new girl. I don't think it's going to go over well for him."

"Give my kid some credit. He was able to date that Sierra girl for a while." The guardians just stared at Jack and he laughed, "Yeah, I hated her too. I wonder what happened to her."

"Maybe you would have found out if you were in his life." North commented, which ended up with him getting hit in the arm. "Too soon?"

"Yes." Jack laughed.


Teagan teleported back to her dorm room, where Evie and Mal were getting ready for bed.

"Hey, why did you-" Evie started to say but when she saw Teagan's bright red face, she knew. "What happened?"

"Well, he took me to meet his father and he invited him to Family day, and I told his mom to come as well. I might have lied and told her that Family Day was tomorrow, but that isn't the point. James got really possessive. Like he thought that I would just follow him wherever he would go, and that kind of-"

"Brought up stuff that happened on the Isle?" Evie responded without Teagan needing to finish her sentence.

"Yeah, Harry Hook was an asshole." Teagan laughed. She looked over at Mal who looked like she was thinking about something. "Mal, how was your date with the soon to be King?"

"It was good." Mal responded.

"That's all I am going to get?" Teagan questioned. "Well, let me tell you: I know how my- I mean Peter Pan- feels when he flies. It was an amazing feeling. I wish I could fly."

"He took me to the Enchanted lake and I almost drowned." Mal stated. "I weirdly find it easy to be with him. I know that sounds weird..."

"No, I get it." Teagan smiled. "I mean I kind of blew it with James when I ran away. I probably should have talked to him, but I guess PTSD really got to me."

After a second of silence, Evie stated, "I think it's time we go to bed. You both had a long day."

~The Next Day~

Everyone was getting ready for Goodness 101 class when they heard a knock at the door. Teagan rushed to get ready and quickly got the door.

She opened the door and saw James standing there. He had huge bags under his eyes, which concerned Teagan.

"James, why are you here?" Teagan questioned.

"I love you." 

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