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Teagan has been in Auradon for the past 13 years

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Teagan has been in Auradon for the past 13 years. She was brought into this world because of the fear of the leaders of the land she was in. Teagan has been living in the woods making a living for herself. All she wanted was to be able to go to her father, but obviously she hasn't mastered her powers enough to do that. 

But anyways, Teagan never had to face anyone in this world, because Princes and Princess' never dare to come into the deep and dark forest.

Teagan was laughing at herself while she was trying to create a fire. She obviously forgot about her magic and stood up from the ground, "Oh, dearie. How could I possibly forget about the magic I possess."

Teagan snapped her fingers and a fire started to form, but her magic was too powerful and the fire created an explosion. Of course, her luck.. Someone was currently by the forest and heard the explosion. A bunch of guards came charging at Teagan. All of them had swords in their hands and Teagan just laughed as she unsheathed her sword, and walked towards the guards. She looked at them hopelessly has she counted how many were there.

"Wow," She looked at each one of them, "three guards and one girl. How can I ever compete with all of you?"

"Put down your weapon and we won't hurt you." One guard, who Teagan thought looked too young to be a guard, stated to the girl .

Teagan laughed, in a creepy way to scare the guards, but all they did was stare at the girl. She huffed and got in a position to start fighting.

"You're going to regret this, little one." Another guard stated.

"No, I don't think I will." Teagan smirked. She ran towards the guard in the middle and started fighting him. She made sure to shield herself from the guards' hits, but she eventually was able to kick the guard in the middle into a tree, and knock him out. Then the other two guards came at her, but that time she used her magic to knock them out.

Teagan smiled-- happy to have won the fight-- and started to go into the deeper parts of the forest, but she was stopped by another guard, who she guessed was hiding, and was knocked out by some pixie dust.


Teagan was awakened by someone screaming for her to get up. She looked around and noticed that she was now in a cell and she was chained up.

Teagan also realized that she could just use her magic to get out of this situation, but she didn't want these people to know of her powers. She's been used too much in her life and she wanted to change that now.

"Who are you?" A tall brown haired male with a blue suit on, and a crown-- she then realized that she was talking to the king of this kingdom.

"Wow, so observant, Teag." She stated to herself. 

Teagan saw that the king was getting angry as he said, "I won't ask you again: Who are you and what are you doing in my kingdom."

"That's two questions, your highness." The king started growling and Teagan noticed another woman standing next to him trying to calm him down. Teagan sighed as she stated in a calm voice, "My name is Teagan."

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