Chapter 8

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"I think you just got yourself a boyfriend, T." Evie smiled at her friend. "How do you feel about that?"

Teagan rolled her eyes, "I just was trying to get him away from me and that stupid," she cut herself off to whisper, "spell ruined that for me. I mean how in the world am I supposed to avoid him if he's in love with me."

"I don't think that spell did a lot of work, T. I'm pretty sure it was already into you. I mean you seemed to like that kiss you had with him."

Teagan sighed and playfully hit Evie's arm while laughing. After a second Mal joined them again, and they started to walk to the bleachers. Mal saw Ben staring at her and Teagan saw James waving at her, and calling her name.

Teagan grabbed Mal's arm and pulled her close, she whispered in her ear, "I swear to Hades himself, if James continues to embarrass me like this-" Teagan paused when she heard James calling out her name again. She turned to a laughing Mal and stated, "If he continues to embarrass me then your mother isn't the only person you have to be afraid of."

"You do realize that your-" Mal cut herself off when she realized that Shan-Yu wasn't her father. "Well, my mother-"

Teagan cut her off by saying, "Trust me when I say that no one can harm me." She smiled. "So don't worry your pretty purple hair about it."

She walked away leaving Mal speechless. The announcer said that the game was about to start, so Mal headed to where Evie, James, and Teagan were sitting. She saw how Teagan was starting to react to what James was saying: she looked annoyed and like she was about to tear his head off of his body, which Mal was kind of alright with.

Mal believed that Teagan needed to start focusing on their mission: getting the wand, and she wasn't going to do that while hanging out with 'frost boy'.

But, hey, she really couldn't say anything because she was about to go out with Ben, and she knew better than to get into a fight with Teagan.


Teagan was getting extremely annoyed with how James was acting. He always was kind of attached to her side, but actually being right up against her... Well, let's just say: Teagan is feeling very uncomfortable.

"Can you just move over a little bit, James. I would like to enjoy this game without you being attached to my hip." Teagan stated to the boy. He looked at her like he was heart broken and slid over on the bench, so she had a little bit more space. "Was that so hard?"

Evie saw how Teagan was treating James and told her, "You do realize that being mean isn't going to scare that boy away? Try to be nicer to him. I know you have the ability to do that."

Teagan huffed and looked over at the boy and saw that he was just sitting there awkwardly. She gestured for him to come closer to her, and he smiled and gladly moved back over.

"I will try and be less annoying." James stated to the girl that he couldn't get off of his mind. "I don't want you to try and make me go away because you're scared of commitment." Teagan looked at him and he continued, "trust me when I say that I am scared too."

She looked back over at the game, which hasn't even put in Jay and Carlos yet, and started to listen to the announcer again- who she finds extremely annoying.

The announcer started to speak, "This is a nail-biter, folks. There's 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood falcons, two. The fighting knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals."

"The teams get into their huddles and take up positions along the kill zone. Akiho! The dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire."

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