Chapter 37

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"What the f-" But she was stopped by lips connecting to hers, and she knew immediately whose it was, and she immediately pushed him away. She turned on a light and saw him standing there, and she was just filling up in anger, and punched him in the shoulder, and she watched him moan in pain. "Why in the fucking world would you kiss me? You know we're over!"

"Because I am still in love with you, you idiot!" He yelled at her, but that didn't seem to stop her anger, and she continuously kept on slapping his shoulder. "Can you stop slapping me?"

"I CAN'T." She cried. "If I do then I will be tempted to kiss you back, and that can't happen."

James looked at his ex heartbroken. He didn't think about what would happen if she would have kissed back. What would Sierra think of him?

"I'm... I'm sorry. Please don't tell Sierra-" James started but he was interrupted by being slapped again by Teagan. "Seriously stop slapping me. This is getting out of hand."

"I can't even look at you.." Teagan responded. "I may not like Sierra but she deserves better than a cheating asshole like you. Either you tell her or I will."

"What if I tell her that you kissed me. Surely she would believe me, her husband. Over you... " James stated.

"I don't know when you decided to change like this, but you know damn well that there's a sliver of Sierra that will believe that you initiated the kiss." Teagan replied. "Now, I have to go meet Ben, so," she teleported out of the closet before he could say anything.


"Teagan!" Ben exclaimed when he saw his friend walking towards him. "I was wondering if you forgot about our meeting."

"No, I didn't. I just got held up in a closet by James." Teagan responded. Ben gasped, as he should, and pulled Teagan to the side, so that the paparazzi couldn't hear anything, "He kissed me."

"Why in the world would he do that? He's married to Sierra. At least I thought he was married." Ben commented.

"He is, and I made it very clear that I will never-" Teagan paused. "Why do I always find the most toxic people to fall in love with?"

Ben pointed to Jay, who was walking with Carlos, and then looked back at Teagan, "You don't always fall in love with toxic people. Jay has gladly gone on double dates with Mal and I. I don't think just a friend would do that."

"Okay... Let's stop talking about my nonexistent love life, and just show me whatever you wanted to."

Ben looked down at his watch and stated, "I actually can't show it to you right now, but I can later today."

"So, I just came down here for shits and giggles?" Teagan questioned, with a little bit of laugh. "I guess I'll see you later."

"Yes you will." Ben smiled. "Mal was getting her dress for Cotillion fitted so you can go meet up with them if you don't have classes."

"I think I will."


Teagan arrived at her friend's dorm room, and knocked on the door. She heard groaning from Mal and Evie arguing.

Evie opened up the door and smiled as she saw Teagan standing there. She gestured for Teagan to enter the room, and saw Mal's bright yellow dress, and had to adjust her eyes.

"Wow, E, you've really outdone yourself, but why is it so bright? You couldn't have picked a darker yellow?" Teagan questioned, but the death glare from Evie made her shut up. "So, when will you be able to do my dress? Or am I not considered one of your besties anymore?"

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