Chapter 6

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"Teagan." James stated. That made the whole class look over at James, and even Teagan looked up at him.

"James? Do you have something to say to the class?" Rapunzel, the professor of the art class, questioned the young froster.

"No, ma'am." He replied. James walked over to the empty seat near Teagan and sat down. She looked over at him and it looked like she rolled her eyes.

James sat his things down on the ground and looked at what Rapunzel was was trying to teach the class. All he could focus on was the green smoke that was coming out of Teagan's hands.

"James?" Rapunzel asked the young man. James looked up at the professor of the class. "Is there a reason why you're looking at Teagan? Are you uncomfortable with a villain kid here?"

James watched as Teagan looked over at him with hurt in her eyes. He looked back over at Rapunzel and stated, "No. I don't have a problem with Teagan being here. I don't know why I was looking over at her. I guess I was just day dreaming."

"Alright." She responded. Rapunzel walked over to Teagan and put her hands on her hands, "Are you alright, sweetie?"

Teagan nodded her head and Rapunzel let go of her hands. When Teagan faced her canvas again, James noticed that the green smoke was gone.

"Okay, class." Rapunzel stated, "I want you guys to pick a partner and paint the place of your guy's dreams." She looked over at Teagan, "But if you want to work alone. You certainly can."

Teagan shook her head and that gave Rapunzel the cue to go back to her painting. She looked over at James and nodded.

James smiled and moved his chair and canvas closer to her. He leaned in to tell her, "The only reason I was looking at you was because-"

"-I know, James. It's all good." She responded. "Now, lets get this assignment over with. What's your dream place?"

"I would love to live in a winter wonderland. It seems like it would be such a fun place to be. My father always told me to have fun with my life, while my mom said to conceal my powers, which didn't work out for her, so why would I-"

"-Do you ramble often?" Teagan asked. James shook his head and that only made Teagan laugh. "Well, I loved this lake that my dad used to take me to before-" She cut herself off before she could continue. "-but yeah the lake is my favorite place."

"What happened that your dad couldn't take you to the lake anymore?" James questioned. "Come on, Teagan."

"It's none of your business, James." Teagan paused to contain her anger. She started to clench her fists, and James noticed that the green smoke had returned.

"Alright. Alright! I take it back. You don't have to get angry. Just please contain the magic." He made sure to say the last word quieter.

Teagan took a deep breath and suddenly all her anger dissolved, "So how about we paint a combination of your winter wonderland, and my beautiful lake?"

"Yeah we can do that." James said. Before he bent down to get his supplies, he continued to watch Teagan start to sketch how this would look.

"Stop looking at me, and start painting." She said. James could have sworn that he saw Teagan smile.


The alarm rang and Teagan started packing her things up. She noticed that James quickly left the room. She saw a piece of paper left on the table.

Teagan picked it up and started unfolding it. It read: "Would you be able to go out with me after class tomorrow?"

Teagan wrote down her answer and snapped her fingers to teleport it to James. She quickly picked up her things and started to head towards the door, but she was stopped by her professor.

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