Chapter 2

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Shan-Yu stopped fighting to look at Teagan in surprise, "What do you mean you're going back to Auradon? Do you remember what King Adam did to you?" 

"Yes, Shan-Yu I remember that. His son Ben invited Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos and me to Auradon. He apparently wants to give the new generation a chance, or at least that's what I heard." Teagan responded to her father figure. "Maybe if I go back I can figure out a way to get back to my father." 

"But haven't you tried contacting him since you've been here? You haven't been able to reach him. Maybe there's a reason for that." 

"No, my father wouldn't decline my calls. I know him better than that. I think that he's in some type of trouble, and I need Fairy Godmother's wand to get back to him." 

"Why do you need Fairy Godmother's wand to get back home?" 

"Because the Blue Fairy- who by the way looks a whole lot like Belle- was the one who sent me here in the first place. And if I did my research correctly her wand is a lot like FG's." Teagan stated. "And I know that I sound completely ridiculous with all of my 'other world' shit that I've been-" 

Shan-Yu stopped Teagan by hugging her. He kissed the top of her head and smiled, "You don't sound ridiculous. There are multiple worlds in this universe and the Enchanted Forest is one of them." 

"Thank you." Teagan cried. "The amount of times someone has called me crazy in this world is insane." She laughed as she pushed away from him. "So Maleficent told me that I had an hour so I have to quickly pack my stuff, because I have a feeling that Auradon will not wait for me." 


Teagan quickly put her stuff in a bag and started to go downstairs. Shan-Yu waited at the bottom of the staircase and held out a present that was wrapped in newspapers.  Teagan smiled at him and put her bag on the ground. She started unwrapping the newspapers and found that he had wrapped the necklace that her father have given to her; someone broke it when she had first arrived on the Isle, but the necklace was on a new chain and it looked brand new. Teagan had tears in her eyes as she hugged Shan-Yu. 

She started to cry as she told her father figure, "Thank you so much. This means more to me than you would ever know, Shan-Yu." 

"Well, I know how much that necklace meant to you, and I know when-" 

"-let's not bring up that son of a bitch," Teagan laughed. He helped her put the necklace on her neck and she smiled. Teagan looked at her watch and saw the time. "Oh, I have to start going. Thank you for everything you've done for me." 

"No problem, kid." He smiled. He opened the door for her and watched as his daughter for a few years was leaving him. 


"I'm here! I'm here!" Teagan yelled as she ran to the limo, and dropped off her bag in the trunk. She ran into the limo and sat down next to Evie. 

"What took you so long?" Evie questioned her friend. 

"Shan-Yu was having a moment." Teagan laughed. Both girls laughed and stopped when Mal entered the car and glared at them both. "I'm guessing your talk with your mommy didn't go well?" 

"Shut up, Teagan." Mal huffed at the girl. Teagan and Mal never really had a great relationship but they tolerated each other; kind of." 

Teagan heard the limo driver say something before he started to drive away. She watched as Jay and Carlos dug into the treats that were in the limo.  Evie took a piece of candy too. Teagan just looked out of the window and tuned everyone out. Teagan was brought out of her daze when Evie elbowed her, "E, what the f-" 

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