Chapter 28

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"I am so sorry about that." Teagan responded. "That's why I will never tell my father that I'm dating."

"You're dating someone?"

"His name is Luke." Teagan smiled. "He was one of my best friends before I became," she moved her hands over her body and said, "Yeah... But apparently this whole thing became a turn on and he asked me out, and I have been secretly dating him ever since."

"Why don't you tell your dad?"

"Because he will do what your mom did to Daniel." Teagan responded. "And I know it's wrong of me to assume that he would do the worse..."

"But you can't help it."

"Yes." Teagan stated. "If you tell him then your mother won't be the only person that you're afraid of."

"And why do you think I'm afraid-" But before Regina could finish her question, Teagan vanished into thin air. "And I'm talking to myself. Great."


Teagan had teleported to the Dark Castle- where her and her father lived at the moment, and she had to admit it was an amazing place to live.

But when she appeared at the castle, her father stood there like he was worried out of his mind.

"Where in the hell were you, dear? I have been worried sick for the last few minutes. I thought you were coming home?"

"Sorry, I thought you knew that I was at your lesson with Regina." Teagan responded. "I wanted to see what Cora's kid could do. I think it's refreshing to not immediately want to kill something."

"But I want her to go dark."

"And I know that." Teagan responded. "I'm not an idiot, father. I know that you want her to be like Cora, and she's not, and that's why you're upset."

"I don't want her to be like Cora though. She was a backstabbing bitch." Rumpelstiltskin stated. "I don't think Regina would ever purposely take out her heart because she didn't want to have a weakness. Cora did that and I'm not comparing Regina to her."

"You are, father, and it's not fair to Regina." Teagan responded. "You need to help her with her magic and not just because you want something out of it. Do it because it's the right thing to do."

"When did you ever care about another person's life?" Rumpelstiltskin questioned. "Yesterday you called her a tramp and now you think she's a saint?"

"Evil isn't born, it's made and I don't want you to create another villain. You made yourself and your own daughter into one, so I'm sorry if I don't want someone else becoming one," Teagan paused, "I know she'll regret it one day."

Teagan then teleported out of the room, leaving her father to stand there shocked. She hasn't talked to him like that in years...

"What has gotten into her?" He thought to himself.


Teagan had teleported herself to a lake that her father used to take her too, and that so happened to be a spot where she met someone.

She felt a blanket being put over her shoulders, even though she had her cloak covering her body, but she still accepted it.

"Did you tell him about us?" Luke questioned his girlfriend. He has wanted her to tell her father for a long time now, but she has always been scared too.

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