Chapter 34

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"He's now married to Sierra." Mal blurted out.

"He's married to who now?" Teagan questioned, extremely confused as to why James would ever marry Sierra.

"James married Sierra a few days ago." Evie responded. "Weirdly enough, Snow White was the one that married them. It was an interesting live stream."

"They live streamed it? Why in the world would they do that?"

"Because they're weird people." Evie commented. "Now I know how you feel about James, but-"

"How do I feel about James?" Teagan questioned. "I can't feel anything because he got FUCKING MARRIED. Why in the world would he do that?"

"Maybe he thought that you weren't coming back, and somehow Sierra talked him into marrying him." Mal tried to calm down Teagan, but it didn't work. "I thought that you didn't care about him anymore."

"Of course I fucking care, Mal! I was in love with the man for god sakes!" Teagan started to cry. "And I can't talk about this with my father because he has the same temper I do, and that won't work out very well for James. Even though I threatened to break one of his bones... Would that be considered rude?"

"Yes." Evie replied. "You can't be doing that anymore, T. We're going to be walking on a tightrope for a while. Everyone wants us to be shipped back on the Isle, and we cannot let that happen."

"Well, I think that everyone in Auradon knows how I act by now." Teagan commented. "And plus, Mal is currently dating the King, so I think I will be okay," she paused, "And you two know more than anyone that I can't," she starts hyperventilating, and she starts getting frustrated. This hasn't happened in so long.

"Hey, we won't let that happen to you again. You won't see that creep ever again, okay?" Evie stated, calming her friend down, "Aren't you glad that you're back in Auradon?"

Teagan laughed and gave her friends another hug, "Yes, because the people in the Enchanted Forest wouldn't help me through a panic attack. They would most likely laugh at me. Everyone hates me there."

"They don't know what they're missing." Evie smiled. "We missed you so much, and I know that Jay and Carlos will be thrilled that you're back."

"Where are they?"

"Tourney practice, I believe." Mal responded. "They're looking for new players since Ben doesn't have a lot of time anymore."

"How's that relationship going?" Teagan questioned. "When I saw Ben, he seemed annoyingly happy, so... Is that how you feel?"

"It's been hard." Mal commented. "I never knew that being with Ben will make me have so many responsibilities, and I don't know if I can handle all of this."

"It's only been a few weeks, M." Teagan responded. "You will get through this and I know that you and Ben will become stronger."

"When did you become inspirational?"

"Almost dying can do that to someone." Teagan laughed. "So, I have to go and see Carlos and Jay before I have to check up on my father. Actually I have to make sure that Ben is still alive."

"What do you mean: I have to make sure that Ben is still alive?" Mal questioned. "Why is he in danger?"

"Because my father is with him and he has my temper." Teagan replied. "He isn't always intense as I am, but he can definitely take out a heart or two." Mal's face turned white as she looked at Teagan. "I'm joking, M. He wouldn't do that while Belle is with him."

"I hate you." Mal stated. "Why is Ben's mom with them?"

"Right... I was talking about the Belle that came from my world. She's with my father. They're the 'beauty and the beast' of my realm."

"Oh. That must have been confusing when you arrived here." Mal responded.

"I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned this before, but I really have to go. I also have to make sure that I make sure that I can enroll back in for the next semester."

"I'm sure you'll be able to." Evie stated. "I can't wait to finally be able to meet your father!"

"I'll let my dad know that you guys want to meet him." Teagan smiled as she walked out of the room, and started walking towards the field.

She felt her necklace start buzzing and she tapped it once, and a hologram of her father popped out in front of her.

"Teag, are you coming back anytime soon? Your friend is taking us to see a house, and I wanted to let you know where we were. I didn't want you worrying about us." Her father stated.

"I'll just meet you back at the castle, okay?" Teagan asked her father, in which he just nodded his head, and he went back into her necklace, and she looked at the people around her and they were just staring. "What? You've never seen a girl talk to her father before?"

"I know that man." A princess, going the same way as Teagan, stated to her. "My mother always read me a book about Rumpelstiltskin and his daughter. Is that-"

"Yes just please don't tell anyone. I don't want to be separated from him again. I just got him back." Teagan responded.

"Of course." The princess smiled and she then went the opposite way from Teagan, and she exhaled in relief.


Teagan made it to the Tourney field and she was just in time. The practice just ended and Carlos and Jay spotted her immediately.

"Teagan!" They screamed as they ran towards their friend, and gave her a hug, which made her fall over.

"Are you back for good?" Carlos questioned, helping Teagan off of the ground. "And how could you separate from your father again."

"I am back for good, and I actually brought him here with me." Teagan responded with a smile. "So, what are you guys doing practicing for a sport that doesn't start until the spring?"

"We don't make the rules, we just follow the coach." Jay stated.

"TEAGAN!" She heard someone scream her name, and she knew exactly who screamed it. "You're back." 

Teagan turned around to face Sierra and James standing there holding hands. She took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, I'm back Sierra. I heard congratulations are in order," she paused for a second. "So, what made you marry-"

"Teagan..." James stated to his ex.

"I was going to ask: what made Sierra marry you." Teagan responded with a smirk. "I didn't think someone your guy's age would even consider marrying someone."

"Well, my parents married each other at a young age, and I wanted to follow in her footsteps." Sierra smiled. "Plus without you here, James could finally think clearly."

"That's great." Teagan stated. "I have to go. Congratulations again."

Teagan turned around and started walking away; Jay and Carlos followed her immediately. They knew how angry Sierra made her.

"Are you okay?" Jay questioned his ex, but as soon as he saw her face, which was starting to turn red from crying, and pulled her to the side.

Carlos and Jay gave her a group hug, and just allowed her to cry.

"Why did he have to marry her." Teagan cried into Jay's chest, Carlos was hugging from the back.

But Carlos saw James staring at Teagan, and he couldn't help it. Carlos stopped hugging Teagan and darted towards James.

Teagan detached herself from Jay and saw Carlos walking towards James, and she ran after him.

"Please don't do anything, Carlos!" Teagan screamed to her friend, but he didn't seem to hear her, because Carlos punched James, making him fall to the ground. 

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