Chapter 9

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"Trust me, T. I know what I'm doing." Evie stated to her friend when they walked into their dorm room. She immediately went to the closet and told Teagan and Mal to stand by the beds. "I want you to be surprised by the outfit I've chosen for you."

"Alright." Teagan responded. She walked over to her bed and sat down. "You know, I haven't been on a date in years."

"Right, you're way older than sixteen. Do you even know your age?" Mal questioned her friend.

"Not exactly, but let's just say that I'm sixteen while we're in Auradon." She stated. "I hope that I can see my father once the villains take over the world. I mean he's-"

"Here try this on!" Evie exclaimed while exiting the closet. She had brought out a strapless dress that was blue and it faded into a white. Teagan had rolled her eyes when she had seen the dress.

"Why a dress?"

"Just try it on, please." Evie stated to the girl. Teagan huffed and started taking off her clothes that she was wearing. While she did that, Evie turned to Mal, "And I also have a perfect outfit for you."

Evie ran into the closet and brought out a leather jacket, a purple dress, and black boots. She smiled as she gave Mal the outfit.

Once Teagan finished getting ready, she turned to her friends and gasped at Mal's outfit, "Why does she get a leather jacket? I have a strapless dress, E. Do you expect me to wear a strapless bra? Those things are hella uncomfortable."

Evie laughed and threw her a strapless bra and a jean jacket.

"Now stop complaining and finish getting ready, so I can put some make up on you." Evie smiled.

"Why didn't you give me this bra before I put the dress on?" Teagan questioned. When she heard Evie laugh, she glared at her, "bitch."

"Hey, who's helping you?" 

"You are."

"Then stop being mean and just get ready." Evie responded with a smile.


Evie had already put makeup on Teagan and now she was just waiting for James to arrive.

Evie and Mal were sitting on the bed as Evie was finishing putting on makeup on Mal. Teagan was looking in the mirror, still amazed that she could look like that.

Teagan was taken out of her own head when she heard Mal say, "Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away," she paused for a second, "Not that I could."

"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk." Evie smiled and took the brush and moved it up her cheek, "Always use upward strokes."

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips." Evie started applying lipstick to Mal's lips and she continued, "I never had a sister." Mal stated. She looked over at Teagan and asked, "What about you Teagan? We know you have a father but-"

"Oh, right. Um, my mother left when my brother and I were very young, and then my brother eventually left my father and I." Teagan responded. "But I have always wanted a sister."

Evie smiled at the both of them, "Well, now you do. We're going to need all the family we can get If we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White."

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal questioned.

"Sometimes. Are you afraid of your mom?"

"I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh... yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me... In her own way."

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