Epilogue (part 1)

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Teagan and Jay have come a long way from Cotillion night, they have become the couple that everyone wants to be at Auradon Prep, and Teagan has even made a channel online to talk about her experiences throughout her life; the good and the bad.

Her and James haven't spoken since that night. He has gone off to Guardian school, and has been spending most of his time with his family, and thinking about what is wrong with him and Teagan.

Now, Teagan and her friends have gotten so much closer, and they have even brought down the barrier... Which was mind boggling for Teagan, but she is happy that Shan-Yu can officially meet her bio dad.

A year after Cotillion, Teagan had gone on a trip with her father, Belle and her sister, Isabella. So, when she got back, right before Mal and Ben's engagement party, she was surprised to hear that Audrey became a villain, and she was even more surprised to see that barrier go down.

~Two years after Cotillion~

Teagan, Evie and Emma were getting ready for Mal and Ben's wedding together. Evie has been working on the Bridesmaids dresses for weeks, and it's a complete surprise for Mal.

Evie was chosen to be Mal's maid of honor, and Uma has also been picked to be a bridesmaid... All of the VK's have reunited, and this is the happiest the people of Auradon have ever been.

Even Beast has been happy with Ben and Mal's decision to break down the barrier, which was more shocking than the idea itself.

"So is Jay meeting you there, or is he picking you up here?" Emma questioned, Teagan was currently getting help with putting on her dress.

"I'm not sure.. He's been acting weird for the last week. I don't know what to do." Teagan responded. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, sweetie." Evie stated. She stopped when her phone started ringing. "It's Doug. I need to take this. I will be right back."

Evie walked out the door of her dorm, and answered the phone, "You need to talk to her, Jay. She thinks that she did something wrong."

"I'm sorry, but I am freaking out right now, and I feel like that if I see Teagan... I will spill everything and I want this to be a surprise."

"Well, this won't be a surprise anymore when she dumps your sorry ass." Her voice sounded irritated. "You fix this, Jay."

And with that, Evie hung up the phone and walked back into the dorm room. She looked up from her phone and saw Teagan and Emma fully dressed, and they both looked beautiful in their dark purple dresses.

"You guys look amazing." Evie stated to her friends, her mouth wide opened. "We have to be at the church in an hour for pictures. Mal must be freaking out right now."

"Why don't you just go to the church early, and comfort Mal." Teagan replied. "I think I can handle applying my makeup."

"Really? You won't feel-"

"I have grown up a lot in the last two years, E. I will be okay. Plus Emma is here to keep me company."

"Actually... Mal asked if both of us can come..."

"Oh.. Then you both have to go." Teagan stated. "I am positive that I am capable of finishing getting ready, and meeting you guys at the church."


Emma put her hand on Teagan's shoulder and smiled, "I love you, Teag. We will see you in an hour!"

"Sounds good."


Teagan has been finishing up her makeup and her hair, which only took about thirty minutes, so she still had time to kill, and she didn't want to hang out with anyone else in the dorms, so she decided to grab her phone and purse, and headed out.

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