Chapter 32

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Today is the day I've been dreading. Today is the day Michael and the boys leave. How did this happen so fast, I felt like just yesterday they were a small town band and now they are hitting big with a huge boy band. I woke up early that morning to meet Michael at his house to go to the airport. When I got there he had his bags packed and sleep in his eyes. We loaded his car and his mom drove us to the airport. We both sat in the back and he fell asleep on my shoulder when I saw his mom look in the mirror and smile.

"You know he loves you right." His mom, Karen, said.

I looked down at him and said, "I love him too."

"It really hurts him to leave ya know? He even asked me too look after you."

"Ya he's pretty amazing isn't he." I said not being able to suppress my smile.

"Ya." She said genially smiling.

"So Michael had told me something's about his father." I said knowing I might have crossed a line. I looked up at her and her smile had faded.

"What all has he told you?" She asked with a concern look on her face.

"Enough for me to know that if you need anything I don't live to far away and when I say anything I mean anything."

"Did he make you do this?"

"No ma'am I care for Mikey and for him to know his mother is safe makes him happy and I will do anything to keep this fluff ball happy." I said and the next thirty minutes was quite. When we pulled up to the airport the boys were there with their parents and siblings. I shook Mikey awake and whispered, "Hey we're here."

"I don't wanna go." He said against my neck.

"Well you have to so help us with your bags." I said opening the door but he pulled my hand.

He kissed me and said, "Just know anything that happens on this tour I'll always come back to you."

"I would hope Clifford." I said trying to play it off so I wouldn't cry. I got out of the car on one side and he got out on the other. I grabbed his backpack and he grabbed his suitcase and the three of us headed towards everyone else. We all walked in the airport Ashton's younger brother Harry I think he said once was rubbing his eyes and complaining he was tired. They had gotten their luggage on its way to the airplane and then we had to say good-bye. Mikey was saying bye to his mom and I stood off to the side watching the boy's say good-bye to their families. Luke was hugging his mom and cracking jokes with his brothers. Ashton had hugged his younger siblings and now holding his younger brother by his shoulders telling him how he needed to be the man of the house. Calum was saying bye to his mom and dad and his older sister. She was crying and telling him to not screw up in the world. Michael came over to me where I was leaning against a wall. I wrapped my arms around him and tried to fight the tears. He kissed the top of my head and we just stayed in each other's arms till Ashton said, "Alright boys we have to go."

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered

"Just text me when ever and when you miss you." He said kissing my check.

"You too." I said trying to be funny so I wouldn't cry.

He smiled and I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and wrapped his around my waist. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him and he walked away with the boys. We watched them walk away and then Karan and me walked back to her car. Half way to her car my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and it was a text from Mikey that read 'I miss you L' I laughed and tears fell from my eyes. 'I miss you too babe but don't worry about my have fun. I love you.' I sent to him.

'Love you too' he sent back and put my phone back into my pocket. I just hope he makes smart decisions.

(bam random update love you guys)

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