Chapter 15

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I get out of the shower at 4:30 ish and stand in front of my closet trying to decide what to wear. I see my leather jacket and pull it out with my some black skinnies and a Nirvana tee. I pull out my worn out yellow converse to match the yellow in my shirt. I let my hair air dry so it looks more natural and toss it up in a ponytail and lightly curl the ends. I put on some mascara and eyeliner and looked at the clock and it reads 5:48. He'll be here any minute now. I walk down stairs to wait for him and look out the blinds. I notice my dad's car isn't here, that's weird he's always home by 5 on a Saturday.

"Hey mom where is dad?" I shout up stairs.

"He left like an hour ago for a business trip. He won't be home till next weekend. Oh and Kenz is staying the night at Rachael's tonight so you'll have the house to yourself tonight."

"Okay." I shout back up. There's a knock at the door and I get butterflies in my stomach I open it up and there stands Michael in black skinnies, black converse high top, and a plain black shirt with the sides rolled up. But his hair was no longer pink it was blue. And I liked it a lot. We stood there looking at each other till we both said "wow" under our breath. He smiled and took my hand as I yelled up to my mom "Alright I'm leaving bye love you." He walked me over to his car and opened the door for me. As I got in I said, "I like your hair."

"Of course you do it's your favorite color."

What? He remembered that? I didn't think he did. He got in the car and started the engine and we were off.

"Do you want to eat or watch the movie first?" He asked.

"Um how about we watch the movie first this time." I say smiling at him.

"Movies it is." He said taking a turn. No less then 6 minutes later we rolled up to the cinemas. We got out and walked up to the ticket booth when we noticed just about everything was sold out.

"Shit." He said "Well come on I have another place we can go and it will be a lot more fun then the movies."

"Where?" I asked well we walked back to the car.

"The arcade a couple blocks over." An arcade? Sounds fun so we take off and we pull up to this place called "The Super Fun Dome" and there's kids running in and out of the place dragging their parents with them. We walk in and they have bowling, an arcade and a laser tag room. We walk up to the counter and Michael says

"Hey Bob." With a smile on his face to a guy over the counter.

"Wow is thiat Michael! How have you been I haven't seen you in awhile?" The guy Bob I guess says.

"I'm good I'm good," Mikey says with a smile "So I was wondering if you can hook me up like back in the old days." I was confused when Bob slid two cards across the counter towards Mikey. "Thanks so much."

"You owe me." Bob said as we walked away.

"Who was that?" I asked so confused

"That was Bob. I use to come here a lot when I was younger." He smiled at the memories of the place. "So you what do you wanna do first?" He said opening his arms to help showcase the place.

"Um I don't know I'm not that good at bowling so that leaves out that."

"Good cause I suck at bowling too." He said with a smirk. "How about we go play some arcade games." He pulled my hand and pulled me off to the arcade center.

(A/N: Sorry it took me a week to update but being a junior i have all this college stuff being troughen in my face and i'm not ready for it all. I just don't want to grow up at all i want to travel the world and got to concerts that's all i want in life. but it is no excuse because i want to also please yall but thanksgiving break is coming up so i have a 5 day weekend so that's 5 days to write so expect 1 or 2 chapters coming up here soon!!!! I have also been thinking about starting a youtube channel for awhile and ive throwen it out there often but i think i'm actually going to do it soon because i was watching connor franat and he just said go and do it so i might!! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1000 READS :) IT'S AMAZING!!! I'm going to start doing goals for inbetween updates so

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