Chapter 18

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When I woke I was on top of Mikey. I rolled over and woke him up. He rolled over to hug me and yawned "Good morning ba-" and his eyes got big I turned around and my mom was in the door way and in that moment I thanked god we didn't do anything last night. He sat up and stuttered "Miss. Hawthorne looks like something that didn't-" She cut him off "I know Michael it's not what it looks like I trust Emmily, I just wanted to let y'all know there are pancakes downstairs." And she left. He collapsed onto the bed letting a breath of air release. "Why did she seem so calm?" He questioned.

"Well she knows now what my biological father did to me and she knows I'm terrified of intimacy."

"But what about the other day we were so close to doing ya know 'it'" I blushed as I felt his eyes scanning me in memory of the other day.

"I'm not scarred of you though. I don't know I just trust you. Ya know like I know you won't do it to hurt me."

"Why do you trust me so much even after what I've told you?"

"Because you told me. You didn't hide it you told me straight up as in take it or leave it and I took it." I winked as I rolled over and straddled him with my legs and held his arms down and kissed him on the lips "so pancakes are downstairs" I said with a wink.

"Why are you up here?" He said grabbing my butt. I laid my head on his chest and whispered "But for real thank you for last night." "No problem." He whispered running his finger over the gauze.

"Okay well let me change my shirt and pants and I'll be down in a second."

"Why can't I stay?" He said whiney and then Billie came in and jumped on my bed and started licking my face "Oh god your breath smells like Satan's anushole."

"Satan's anushole? What? Where did you even hear that from?" He said laughing.

"Faith said it once or twice and I thought it was to funny so it kinda stuck." I said laughing.

"You are a dork."

"I am not." I said giving a little kid pouty face.

"Ya you are but you're my dork." He said giving me kiss and leaving the room.

I got off the bed and petted Billie "Why did he have to come along and make my life better?" He whined at me "and now I'm going crazy and talking to my dog. I love you boy." I said giving him a kiss on his snout "but you really do need to get something for your breath."

I got up and decided sense I slept in my clothes I will change into some pajamas so I slipped some of my superman pants on and a long sleeve shirt to cover the gauze. I walked down the stairs slowly so I wasn't expected. I stopped when I heard my mothers voice talking to Michael.

"So do you make her happy?"

"I think I do." I could hear the nervousness in his voice. I was about to turn the corner when I heard him whisper, "I'm sorry." I heard her stop in her slippers and turn to him "Sorry about what?"

"Well last night Emmily and I were talking and she..." He trailed off remembering what I told him, "she told me about her real dad."

I turned around the corner and my mom and Michael just looked at me. My mother's eyes were brimmed with tears as she walked out of the kitchen.

"She always acts like it's her that went through it so she gets all emotional." I said pissed about it.

"Sorry I didn't think you would mind."

"It's alright I'm not mad at you she just frustrates me." I said getting a plate from the cabinet and getting two pancakes from the stack. I put some syrup on them and sat down next to him on the bar. I started to eat and was about finished when Mikeys phone rang on the counter. He answered it. "Hello" and in return I heard someone on the other line mumble something "Okay thanks man. I owe you one." And he hung the phone up.

"So that was Ashton my parents called him since I didn't go home last night but he said I was at his house and they want me home now. So I'll call or text you when I can." He kissed my forehead "I love you" "and I love you mister" I said it still with an awkward edge not use to the way it sounds from my mouth. I looked at the Clock and said it was already 1:30 so after he left I hopped in the shower to wash away the memories of last night.

When I got out it was about 2:18. I looked at my phone hoping that maybe Michael had texted me but he didn't. So I put some sweats and an old camp shirt and laid in my bed with nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon. I was staring up at my stars when my phone vibrated. I jumped and rolled over to look who it was and I looked and it was Kaylee! I forgot about her and faith being so wrapped up with Michael yesterday. I opened the text message and it read

Kaylee: Hey!!

Me: Hey girl!

Kaylee: I didn't think you would answer

Me: Why not?

Kaylee: Well you have been so caught up in Michael lately I thought you forgot about faith and me.

Me: I could never forget about you guys I love yall too much :)

Kaylee: Well faith and me were going to go see a movie tonight around 5 do you want to come?

Me: I'll be ready J Xx

(A/N: Hey yall i probably wont update for a while since its getting so close to christmas i have to focus on my grades and get everything together so i won't have to much to write but everyone that reads this comment your facorite song(s)!!!)


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