Chapter 20

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"December 21" I wrote on the top of my paper for History. Today is the last day of school before Christmas break and Mikey and I are planning on watching movies after school since we'll have the house to ourselves. So I'm glad all our classes are cut down to 20 minutes today.

It felt like all I did was blink and I was meeting Mikey in the hall to walk to band together. I gotten all my books out of my locker before Mikey meet up with me. So when he came up he took some books and waffled our hands.

"That's PDA Mr. Clifford and Miss. Hawthorne." Mrs. Rendrix said. So Mikey let go only to take my hand again when we got outside.

"So we are still on for movies at your place right?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I said chattering my teeth from the blistering wind.

We walked into the band hall and Kaylee and Calum were there talking about something but I noticed that they were holding hands. I looked up at Mikey questioningly and he shrugged back.

"Well now that we are all here we have about 15 minutes of practice here today so let's get started." Ashton said from behind his drums.

Michael kissed my cheek and went and grabbed his guitar. I went sat next to Kaylee and asked her, "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" She said turning red.

"You holding Calums hand."

"Psh we weren't... he's taking me out tonight." She said excitedly. "So we have been talking sense when we went over to Ash's like a month ago."

"Oh my gosh why didn't you tell me?"

"Well I didn't know where it was going or if he was taking me serious so I didn't speak up in fear if he turned me down but he didn't and all my dreams are coming true." She said so happy. We sat there as they practiced and I watched Kaylee with a big smile on her face. As they put up Luke asked, "So who wants to come over to my house?"

"No can do me and Kaylee are going to go get some pizza." Calum said looking at Kaylee.

"Ya sorry mate me and Emmily already planned to do something." Michael spoke up.

"Well Ash looks like it's just you and me." Luke said with a smile.

"Actually Luke it's just you I'm meeting faith in the art room in a little bit."

"Well shit." Luke said.

"Well have fun." Mikey said teasing him.

"Why am I all alone!?" Luke whined

"You aren't you have your mom." Ashton said well going ba-dum-tiss on his drums and we all laughed.

Michael walked up behind me and asked if I had my things and I nodded then we were out the door and in his car.


We walked into my house and set our bags on the couch and walked up to my room. I closed the door and turned the T.V on and headed to my drawer to get some comfy clothes.

"Michael cover your eyes."

"Why?" He whined, "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Just cover them."

"Okay they are covered."

I changed as fast as I could only to turn around to Michael starring at me.

"I told you not to look." I said and slapped his arm.

"Well when there is a beautiful women stripping down in front of you, you don't just cover your eyes."

"Whatever." I said climbing into bed and under my covers.

Mikey kicked his shoes off and joined me. We lay there flipping through channels with his arm draped over my waist until we came across awkward and I stopped to watch it. It was at a scene when Jena and Mattie were talking about porn when Mikey had asked me a question that took me by surprise. He whispered into me ear, "Have you ever given a blowjob?"

I turned red "Why?"

"Just wondering."

"Well a few times." I whispered.

"But you're just a freshmen." He said shocked.

"Well you gotta learn things in Junior High too." I said turning to look at him.

"God damn why are so hot and make so hormonal."

"I have that effect on guys." I said whispering seductively in his ear. And with that his member hardened a little. I kissed him soft and slow as if to tease until he forced entrance in to my mouth with his tongue. I parted and kissed down his neck till I found his sweet spot just below his collarbone. He moaned rough and deep till I got an idea.

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