Chapter 25

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Two days, over 30 declined calls, and over 100 begging texts from Michael later I was still in my bed crying. I hadn't really moved or eaten since I saw him cheat on me. It's Christmas eve and I'll I've done is cry. I wanted to get out of bed but I was to weak.

"Emmily there's someone at the door." My mom hollered up.

"If it's Michael tell him to go fuck himself!" I shouted back at her and the tears started again.

"It's not Michael it's one of your friends."

"Send them up here then." I shouted with all I had left. Moment's later heavy footsteps came up the stairs and Ashton came threw my door. He turned to close the door.

"Damn. You look like shit." Ashton said trying to smile.

"I'm not up for your shit right now ash."

"Well I just wanted to check on you."

"So I'll take a guess that Michael told you." I said as the tears came heavier. Ashton walked over to my bed and sat next to me and took me in his arms. I buried my face in his chest as he petted my hair.

"He cheated on me ash! Next week is six months. Well it was supposed to be six months."

"I know I know but you can't yell at me but it wasn't his fault."

"What?" I say pulling away from him "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SIT THERE AND TELL ME IT WASN'T HIS FAULT??? I watched him kissing that girl."

"But he wasn't kissing her she was kissing him. You know how he used to sleep around well that was one of the girls he slept with. She kissed him he didn't kiss her back."

"And how are you so sure he's not lying?" I asked pissed off more then ever.

"Well the fact he came to my doorstep last night crying. He cried cause he didn't want to lose you. He cried all night cause you didn't answer his calls or texts. He's doing what your doing but on my bed he hasn't moved, slept, or eaten."

"But he looked like he was enjoying it and she was pretty. Like way prettier then me and skinnier, face it he probably got bored of me." I said crying.

"How long did you say you guys were together?"

"Six months next week."

"That's the longest he's been in a relationship. I know I've known the kid my whole life. And out of that almost six month relationship how many times have you had sex?"


"It's just a question answer it."

"Ounce. The day before I caught him."

"If he wanted to hit it and quite it I don't think he would have waited five months to do it."

"You never know." I say falling face first on my bed.

"Trust me I know Emmily." Ashton said rubbing my back.

"I don't know what do. Tell me what to do Ash." I say crying and frustrated.

"Maybe you should just talk to him. He's dying without you."

"I'm dying with out him. But Ashton I don't think you realize how much he hurt me. It hurts." I said choking on my tears and cuddling into my blanket.

"Just text him okay. I have to go check on him now but do what you think is smart." Ashton said and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks Ashton." I whispered.

"Ya just let him know you're alive, you don't have to for give him right away."

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