Chapter 35

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I open my skype call from Michael and when it opens there sitting are all four of the boys. They shout "Happy Valentines Day!" I laughed so hard I almost fall off my bed. I said "Happy valentines day" back.

"Alright you guys you can go away." Mickey said.

"But we wanna talk to Emmily too." Luke said pouty.

Calum smacked Luke in the back of the head "Hey Mikey wants to get freaky with his girl leave him alone." He winked at Mikey "I got you man."

"Oh god no we don't do that when we chat." I said laughing.

"Not yet at least." Michael said winking at me.

Ashton got up and got Luke and Calum out of the room.

"Thanks ash." I said

"No problem Emm. Have a good night." He said and left the room.

"Now where were we?" He said with a sly smirk.

"How's tour been lately?"

"Fun but tiring."

"What all have you done?"

"Set list, parties, and even more rehearsals. We are constantly on the road and it feels like I'm in bed by 3 and up by 5 or 6."

"Oh poor baby. I bet being a rock star is such hard work." I said sarcastically smiling.

"It is babe." He said trying not to laugh.

"Oh I bet you have the hard life while I have to go to school and do homework and miss you."

"I miss you too babe but don't think about me being gone."

"How can I not every time something happens I wanna tell you but then I have to remember you are in a totally different time zone then I am."

"Well you think I don't wanna tell you stuff either? Like the fact that I miss you so much and that we get to write these amazing songs and meet these amazing artists."

"I know you wanna tell me stuff but I wanna hold your hand and kiss your lips" I said falling back on my pillows "I miss the way your hands feel on my thighs and the way your breath feels on my neck."

"You are not making this easier." Michael said with a smirk on his face and looking proud of the memories branded into my brain. "Do you ever you know um... touch yourself?"

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" I said shocked.

"It's just a question." He said laughing and turning red form embarrassment. "Do you?"

"Maybe but you'll never know." I said playing off him. "Do you?"

"Maybe." He said turning red.

"You do oh my gosh Michael you do." I said not really expecting it.

"What? Everyone does it." He said trying not to be ashamed.

"I didn't think you did." I said laughing and covering my face.

"Well when I have a pretty girlfriend like you and you're not around to relieve me I got to deal with it somehow."

"Oh my gosh well anyways..."

"You make it seem like I'm the only one that does it."

"You're not but you're the only one that I know who's not ashamed of it."

"Well what's to be ashamed of?"

"Any ways how are the other boys doing?"

"They're fine but why do we have to talk about them?"

"I'm being nice alright."

"Well how's my mom?" Concern thick in his voice.

"She's doing good she said your dad is in rehab actually. He volunteered to go said he wanted to get better for you." I said slowly and watched his face smile as a tear ran down his cheek.
"You have no idea how much I love you Emm."

"I love you too babe."

"What time is it?"

"Like almost eleven."

"Well you need your sleep I'll text you tomorrow."

"Okay babe love you and make sure you have fun."

"Love you too and don't have to much fun over there."

I laughed and shut my laptop putting it away and turning off my lamp. I lay in bed and cuddle up next to my pillow trying to convince myself it was my fluffy headed kitten Michael. That night I had dreamt a sweet dream. Like most dreams I don't recall exactly what it was but remember the feeling it gave me and it was warm and cozy.

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