Chapter 29

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Today is six months. To some people it's not long but to me it feels like a lifetime. I've never been so close to somebody like I am to him. I sit on my bed and wonder what he has planned for tonight. My phone buzzes and it's a text from him.

Mikey: Hey happy 6 months babe.

Me: Happy six months to you too.

Mikey: I'm not gunna be near my phone a lot but be ready in about an hour and a half just wear pants and a t-shirt.

Me: Okay love you.

Mikey: Love you too.
I lay in bed only imaging what he has planned for in an hour and a half. Why just pants and a t-shirt? What is going to happen? I think as I lay my head on my pillow.

Next thing I know Ashton is in my room shaking me.

"Come on Emmily get up!"


"Come on I'm suppose to pick you up for Michael."

"Okay hold on let me get ready." I say pushing him out.

I search my closet and pull out my white skinny jeans with a cut up band shirt. I open the door and jog down the stairs and snag my jacket off the couch as we left. We get in his car and I ask "So where are going anyways?"

"To one of our gigs." Ash said with a smile.

"Why? And why are you so happy?"

"Because! Do you not want to go to one of your boyfriends gigs and last time I checked being happy isn't exactly a crime."

"Well someone's a little sassy." I said laughing.

"Sorry I'm just so excited."

"About what?"

"I can't tell you yet!"

"Why not?" I said whinny.

"Cause Michael made me promise I couldn't tell anybody cause he wanted you to be the first to know." He said pulling into park as we arrived at a pub. We walked in and Ashton went and got on stage. I found Kaylee and Faith at a table and headed their way. The place was pretty packed for a high school punk band but maybe I haven't been aware of how much people talk about them. I finally get to the table where Kaylee and Faith are and sit down where a soda waits for me.

"So do you guys know what's going on?" I ask them almost shouting over all the people there. They looked at me and shrugged then Luke's voice boomed over the speakers.

"How is everyone tonight?" Luke screamed into the mike.

The crowd cheered back as if they were to say 'Amazing! Duh!'

"Well I'm glad" Luke said smiling "Well tonight's a full house so ya were 5 seconds of summer!" and then Ashton clicked off "1... 2... 3... 1234" and then the song started and people were hipper. I could see the love for this stuff in the boy's eyes, how much work and practice they had put into this stuff. It was like when I had first discovered what punk music could do. It gave me an identity. It gave me a new out look on life. It made me who I am today and I wouldn't even if I could to change it all and not spend my first $10 on that green day CD. Song after song was played and then Luke yelled, "Have a good night and we are 5 seconds of summer." And they hopped off the stage. On their way over to our table everyone they passed patted them on the back when they had finally gotten to the table the boys toke their seats and Michael kissed me and I put my hands on his cheeks and said "You are so sweaty." And pecked him on his lips, they all had that stupid grin on their face.

"Okay now can I know why you all are smiling like idiots?"

"We're going on tour!" Michael said barely able to keep it in.

"What? Like an actual tour? With who?" I asked feeling so overwhelmed.

"A world tour." Luke said well making a banner gesture with his hands.

"With that band one direction." Calum chimed in.

"When do you leave?" I asked barely able to breath and my heart beating really fast.

"Next week. Actual less then a week being today is Thursday and we leave Tuesday of next week to meet them in Europe." Ashton said. I gripped the table all my fears were confirmed and all went black.

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