Chapter 23

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"You did what?" He asked confused.

"We finished a paper that's due at the end of break." I said trying to be convincing.

"Who is 'We'" He replied.

"Um Me and Bekka." I said with a smile.

"Oh okay where's your sister tonight?"

"She's spending the night with the squad tonight."

"Right alright so I take it y'all are spending the night."

"Yes daddy now leave unless you wanna hear us talk about boys!"

"Alright if you need anything I'll be in my study." He says leaving and closing the door.

"Shit that was close." Kaylee said with big eyes.

"But any ways" Faith said, "You guys did it?"

"Yes!" I said turning red.

"How was it?" Kaylee said curious.

"It was like nothing I've ever felt before cause it wasn't just like we had sex but we has like SEX! It felt like the unexpected drop of a rollercoaster but it also felt so good! It was amazing." I tried explaining it and my phone went off. I looked at "Speak of the devil" I said cause he was begging to come over.

"What he say?" Faith said with curiosity laced threw her voice.

"Just asking if he could come over and I told him no."

"You guys are so perfect." Kaylee whined.

"We are far from it."

"Tell him to come over." Faith said.

"Dude you guys are here and my dad is home."

"Well why don't we go over to his house."

"No." I say immediately not making it an option.

"Well I could text ash and we could hang out there?" Faith said

"Well if that's what you want to use as an excuse to talk to him." Kaylee said snarky.

"Hey well at least Ashton has cheated on me." Faith fired back.

"You have to grow balls and tell him you like him first then get in a relation ship with him in order for him to cheat on you dip shit." Kaylee fired back with all sass.

"Well-" Faith started before I cut her off.

"Can we all be friends? Please." I said not wanting to break up a fight.

"Ya plus Luke is pretty cute. At least he's to shy to have an ex-girlfriend." Kaylee said

"Kaylee keep it in your pants." Faith said and Kaylee glared at her.

"Well so no we will not go to Ash's and Mikey is not coming over we are staying here and watching..." I look at the stack of movies and pull one off "The notebook. Cause it's cute and sad and we will be friends." I say to the both of them. I get up and put the movie in and grab all my bedding off my bed and get us comfortable on the floor. The movie starts and my phone buzzes

Mikey: I swear I'm not bugging you. I just wanted to say goodnight.

Me: Why are you trying to be cute?

Mikey: Goddammit why can't be cute :P

Me: Did you know next week would be our 6-month anniversary?

Mikey: Wow time flies!

Me: Ya well night! Love you.

Mikey: Love you too babe

And with that I shut my phone off and rest my head on the pillow and I was out.

(Oh what is this? Another chapter maybe a double update what?? Lol go on read the next chapter well you're at it.)

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