Not part of the story 2

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Hey so this week in english we were to write a letter to our future grandchildren. The prompt was basically to write something to help them so i wrote an "achieve your dreams" kind of paper. So i thought i would post it here and get some of yalls opinion on here so here you go:

A world corrupted by money, fame, and destruction is not fun to live in but frankly as I write it's the world millions of people do live in. A lot of influences this generation of people have are music, actors, and authors. Your generation can go far with the right amount of inspiration and knowledge that all dreams can be full filled no matter what other people or even yourself say. A dream is never to big but can be too small.

Music, an immense portion of the world today, a thing in which influences everyone on what it has to say. But a little band in the middle of nowhere Sydney, Australia was inspired to form together and create a YouTube channel. The band started out with a single boy by the name of Luke Hemmings who uploaded covers of him singing and playing his guitar. His videos soon got noticed by people at school and a boy, Michael Clifford, talked to him about joining him and soon enough another boy, Calum Hood, joined the band. Now that there were three singers, two guitar players and a bassist they were in need of a drummer. Ashton Irwin, a guy who lived on the other side of town only a year or two older then them had seen the videos and talked to them about becoming their drummer. December 2011, 5 seconds of summer was officially formed and posting covers as a band. Soon enough they grew as a band and got noticed by Louis Tomlinson, a member of the biggest boy band of this time One Direction. One Direction soon asked 5 seconds of summer to join them on tour and their fame has only risen since. Now in 2015 they have gone on two tours with one direction and have recently started their own tour titled "rock out with your socks out", has released a self-titled album, and have traveled the world near and far. One thing they say in interviews as why they decided to do this has something to do with the music they listened to and how inspired the music made them feel and they were going to do this no matter if the people they went to school with thought their music was weird or different they were going to stand against society, against authority and be themselves through their music. They are one proof that anything is achievable.

February 22, 2015 the Oscars were being debuted on Television. Awards were being handed out left and right speech after speech till a guy by the name of Graham Moore had gone up to accept his award he started off with "Here's the thing, Alan Turing" referring to a guy that helped crack Nazi code but was stripped of this title because he was a homosexual "never got to stand on a stage like this and look out at all these disconcertingly attractive faces. I do! And that's the most unfair thing I've ever heard." With a few laughs from the audience he continued. "So in this brief time here, what I wanted to do was say this: When I was 16 years old, I tried to kill myself because I felt weird and I felt different, and I felt like I did not belong." The crowd was silent as they realized what Moore was approaching to talk about. "And now I'm standing here..." Moore continues to talk about how if anyone has a dream, no matter how big or weird anyone can achieve it. No matter where you are in life weather you're the happiest person to live or contemplating life every dream is achievable with the right determination.

"I fell in love the way you fall asleep, slowly then all at once." An amazing writer wrote in a book "The Fault in our stars" by John Green. He started his "fame" on YouTube when he started a channel with his brother. Then he acceded to write books. When he first started it was for fun not really hoping to find much fame. His book "The fault in our stars" ended up being on the #1 best sellers list and turned into a movie. A nobody was turned into somebody because he made his dream a reality. If you set your eyes on what you want it is achievable.

A lot of people seem to think that the opinion of others on their dreams should stop them from achieving them. If a group of teenage boys from Sydney Australia can become one of the biggest bands of this time because they didn't let anyone tell them they weren't good. Or a Sixteen year old boy who tried to commit suicide can end up on a stage years latter to except an Oscar because he realized that being weird and different was worth it even though people told him his dreams were to big he proved them wrong. Or even a man who wrote books for fun ended up on a best sellers list. Anything is possible when you set your mind to and don't listen to the negativity people tell you.


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